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WA1 Resources Moves Closer to Commercial Niobium Production with Promising Refining Results

Written by Staff Writer | Oct 7, 2024 1:29:31 AM

WA1 Resources Ltd (ASX: WA1) has announced promising refining testwork results from its West Arunta Project in Western Australia, focused on niobium production. The latest test results showcase the project's progress through the second stage of a typical ferroniobium flowsheet, building confidence in the potential for commercial niobium output.

The Testwork Results: A Step Closer to Ferroniobium

WA1 has achieved a significant milestone in the refining phase, with its niobium concentrate reaching an impressive 66.9% Nb₂O₅ purity, with a remarkable 99.9% recovery rate. This refining phase is the second of three stages in a conventional ferroniobium process, and the high-purity concentrate paves the way for the next step: conversion into ferroniobium, a valuable alloy used in steel production.

Managing Director Paul Savich expressed his optimism, noting, “This refining testwork demonstrates the ability to produce a clean concentrate that will be utilised in upcoming conversion testwork, which will aim to produce a small quantity of ferroniobium end-product.”

The niobium concentrate was refined using conventional techniques, including acid leaching and calcining. Impressively, phosphorus, identified as a key impurity, was effectively removed, yielding a clean concentrate ready for final testing.

Commenting on the significance of this outcome, stockbroker Argonaut noted, “Successful reduction of phosphorus and other deleterious elements is key to generation of high-quality niobium product. An excellent result for WA1 and another step towards derisking of project process metallurgy.”

A Peek Into Niobium Metallurgy

Niobium production typically follows a three-stage process: beneficiation, refining, and conversion. WA1’s progress so far has seen the successful completion of both the beneficiation and refining stages. The initial beneficiation testwork, reported in June 2024, produced a high-grade niobium concentrate via flotation. The latest results take this concentrate to the next stage, producing a refined product that meets commercial ferroniobium specifications.

The final hurdle will be the aluminothermic conversion process, which transforms the refined concentrate into ferroniobium, a key component in strengthening steel alloys. WA1’s focus on achieving a commercial ferroniobium product is aligned with industry standards, where high recoveries are typical in the hydrometallurgical stages due to the resilience of niobium-bearing minerals.

Ongoing Optimisation and What’s Next

While the refining results are a key win for WA1, the company is not slowing down. Ongoing variability and optimisation testwork is underway at the Luni deposit, focusing on process flowsheet refinement. The goal is to establish the feasibility of beneficiating the deposit’s mineralisation to support detailed mine planning. This work is crucial for assessing the potential of Luni’s niobium resource, particularly as it could support early-stage mining operations.

Savich hinted at more exciting developments: “This area has been selected as it is a zone where early resource drilling identified shallow, high-grade niobium mineralisation over broad intercepts, which may potentially represent an ideal area for a start-up mining scenario.”

In addition to the testwork, WA1 is also conducting various other studies, including mineralogy assessments, comminution testing, and geometallurgical modelling. Bulk concentrate production for further downstream testing is also in progress, and plans are in place for pilot-scale flowsheet testing, indicating that the company is gearing up for larger-scale operations.

The Big Picture: What’s At Stake?

Niobium is a critical mineral, primarily used in steel manufacturing to increase strength and reduce weight. As the global demand for lightweight, high-strength steel continues to grow, so too does the strategic importance of niobium. WA1’s progress at the West Arunta Project positions it as a potential player in this high-value market.

Currently, there are only three major niobium producers globally, and WA1 is looking to tap into this niche market with its Luni deposit. The company's refining results demonstrate its capability to meet the industry’s stringent quality requirements, an encouraging sign for potential offtake partners and investors.

Wrapping Up

WA1 Resources’ refining testwork at the West Arunta Project has delivered impressive results, pushing the project closer to producing ferroniobium. With a high-purity niobium concentrate now ready for the final conversion stage, and a robust plan for continued optimisation and testing, WA1 is making significant strides towards realising the commercial potential of its niobium asset.

As testwork continues, all eyes will be on the company’s next move – the final conversion to ferroniobium, a critical milestone for both the project and WA1’s shareholders.