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Colin Hay

WIN Metals' (ASX: WIN) has confirmed high-grade rock chip samples of up to 22.4g/t were collected during field reconnaissance as part of the due diligence for the acquisition of the Butchers Creek project in WA.

The company undertook rock chip and soil sampling results in tenements M80/315, P80/1854, E80/4976 and E80/5059 in July 2024.

“The sleeves are rolled up and momentum established,” Managing Director and CEO, Steve Norregaard, said.

“The geological team have had instant results confirming the exploration pedigree of the Butchers Creek Gold Project. This work augurs well for upcoming drilling activities and heralds the beginning of an exciting new era for WIN Metals.”

During the due diligence for the acquisition of Butcher Creek WIN geologists identified multiple high- ranking targets that could potentially host high grade gold mineralisation.

During the reconnaissance trip, the most accessible targets were selected for investigation due to time constraints and ease of access. Therefore, only a select number of prospect areas have been visited and/or sampled with extensive field work required to properly evaluated the whole project’s prospectivity.

A total of 29 rock chip samples were collected over multiple tenements along with a targeted soil survey programme over the Mt Bradley-Phoenix trend with 105 soils samples collected.

WIN’s geology team is extremely enthused with the highest-grade rock chip sample (22.4g/t) collected during this programme being located 230m north and along strike of Mt Bradley drill hole MBRC016 that returned 5m @ 19.7g/t from 9m1 in an area with very little drilling.

The high-grade gold values confirm the gold mineralisation at these locations and will assist to develop these prospects towards drill targeting in the future by WIN’s exploration team.

WIN announced the acquisition of the Butchers Creek from Meteoric Resources NL on 28 August 2024. As part of the due diligence process a field trip was conducted in late July 2024 to assess the prospectivity, land access and logistics required for future field work.

The Project consists of three mining leases, five exploration licences and three prospecting licences. All tenements are in good standing with one exploration licence and prospecting licence pending. Tenements currently held by Meteoric’s wholly owned subsidiaries, Horrocks Enterprises Pty Ltd

(Horrocks) and Kimberly Resources Pty Ltd (Kimberly). WIN will acquire the tenements once the acquisition is complete.

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