The Pick News

Yandal kicks off drilling at Ironstone Well

Written by Colin Hay | Mar 8, 2024 12:26:03 AM

Yandal Resources Ltd (ASX: YRL) has commenced a new drilling programme at its 100% owned Ironstone Well-Barwidgee (IWB) Gold Project, located within the Yandal Greenstone Belt of Western Australia, approximately 50km south of the Jundee gold mine (ASX: NST).

The RC drilling programme of approximately 4,500m has commenced at the Oblique and Quarter Moon Prospects. A diamond drilling programme at both prospects as well as the New England Granite prospect will follow in April.

“Following the very encouraging results from our drilling at Oblique in Q4 last year, we were keen to get back out with a follow-up program as soon as possible," Managing Director, Tim Kennedy, said.

"It’s great to report that a program, focussed on extending the footprint of the prospect along strike and at depth, has commenced. This is earlier than we would normally be drilling at Ironstone Well- Barwidgee due to the risk of inclement weather, but as we have such a full exploration programme planned for 2024 it was important to get going at the earliest possible time.

"The programme at Oblique will also include a number of pre-collars in preparation for deeper diamond drilling in April. Upon completion of the holes at Oblique, the RC rig will move to Quarter Moon."

RC drilling at Oblique will follow-up a number of significant intercepts from the phase 2 RC drilling completed in November 2023. In addition, RC drilling will also test regolith anomalies across the northern half of the prospect.

The diamond drilling programme across Oblique will include several broad-spaced holes as a framework programme to test the depth extensions of mineralisation within fresh rock along 800m of strike and test the broader scale of the mineralised system.

RC drilling at Quarter Moon looks to test along strike and below higher-grade intercepts to understand the continuity and geometry of mineralisation.

Several drill holes will also test anomalous footwall positions west of the primary mineralised trend.

Two 400m deep diamond holes are planned across the New England Granite Prospect and are co- funded under the Geological Survey of Western Australia Exploration Incentive Scheme.

The two holes test the sheared southern margin of the granitoid adjacent to the Barwidgee Shear Zone and the anomalous eastern margin. The resultant data will assist in the design of a broad RC programme across the prospect scheduled for the June Quarter.

Soil Sampling Programme

Based on a successful orientation soil program across selected areas of the Ironstone Well – Barwidgee Gold Project (IWB), a large-scale follow-up soil programme has commenced.

The programme will comprise approximately 1800 samples on 400m x 200m spaced grid across much of the northern part of the project. This work will result in a consistent and comprehensive geochemical dataset across a significant portion of IWB and will assist in ongoing targeting for gold, lithium and other commodities.