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Yandal unveils initial Gordons Dam MRE - The Pick Online Magazine

Written by Staff Writer | Apr 11, 2023 8:59:25 AM

Yandal Resources Ltd (ASX: YRL) has released an initial Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE) for its Gordons Dam deposit within the 100% owned Gordons Project, located approximately 35km north of Kalgoorlie in the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia.

The project covers approximately 52 sq/ km of tenure adjacent to operating mines at Gordon Sirdar and Mulgarrie and is close to both third party and publicly owned haulage infrastructure.

The initial Gordons Dam MRE contains a total of 365,000t @ 1.7g/t Au for 20,000oz (> 1g/t Au lower cut-off grade).

Key points:

  • Inferred Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE) for Gordons Dam deposit of 365,000t @ 1.7g/t Au for 20,000oz reported above 1.0g/t Au lower cut-off grade.
  • MRE defined to a maximum vertical depth of 120m; mineralisation remains open at depth.
  • Gordons Dam deposit located on granted mining lease approximately 35km NNE of Kalgoorlie, close to haulage infrastructure and operating mines at Gordon Sirdar and Mulgarrie.
  • Recent 3D geological modelling indicates that intrusive unit controlling primary mineralisation plunges to the north and remains open.
  • Maiden Gordons Dam MRE boosts Yandal’s Resource inventory across all 100% owned projects to 424,000oz @ 1.3 g/t Au.
  • Busy exploration programme scheduled over the coming months including plans to test high-grade prospects within the Gordons Project.

The Gordons Dam deposit represents a new discovery made by Yandal from tenements which formed part of its ASX listing in 2018,” Managing Director; Tim Kennedy, said

“The deposit consists of laterite and paleochannel hosted mineralisation overlying both weathered and fresh bedrock hosted mineralisation. Bedrock mineralisation remains open down-plunge and along strike.

“Recent 3D geological modelling indicates that a felsic intrusion, likely a key mineralisation control, plunges to the to the north-east and represents a potential future drill target. Importantly, Gordons Dam highlights that new shallowly covered mineralisation can still be discovered within a short drive of Kalgoorlie.

“Yandal has numerous targets in its Gordons Project with strong discovery potential that have yet to be thoroughly tested. Its portfolio includes high-grade prospects at Malone and Star of Gordon and new mineralisation at Zoehrer immediately along strike from the operating Gordon-Sirdar mine.

“The company has a busy schedule of exploration activities planned for the first half of 2023 in line with its stated priority to test the full potential of these and other prospects.”

High-grade exploration targets at Malone, 600m south-west of Gordons Dam, and at the nearby Star of Gordon, Meuleman and Zoehrer Prospects will be evaluated further prior to any further drilling at Gordons Dam.

Forward Exploration Plans

The company has a very busy H1 2023 planned with priority exploration activities, including;

1. Complete 3D modelling of historic and recent drilling data at Mt McClure to establish controls on potential higher grade plunging shoots for follow-up drill testing.

2. Assess results of aircore drill testing of new structural and geochemical targets at Mt McClure and Ironstone Well/Barwidgee (results pending).

3. Integration of new high resolution aeromagnetic survey data and RC follow-up along the high- grade Sims Find trend and other advanced prospects at Barwidgee.

4. Complete a targeting study at Ironstone Well/Barwidgee assessing some of the lesser explored areas along potential 2nd and 3rd order structures in preparation for future drill testing.

5. Integrate recent 3D modelling of Gordons geology to assist in prioritising key prospects at Gordons and follow-up drill testing.