Adavale Resources Limited (ASX: ADD) has made a number of advancements for the upcoming air-core drill programme company’s 100% owned Lake Surprise Uranium Project in South Australia.

The company’s tenements are prospective for uranium hosted within a silcrete capped paleochannel in proximity to the Flinders Ranges in northern region of South Australia.
Our team has been working diligently and in collaboration with the Dieri traditional owners and their consultants to secure the remaining exploration and government environmental approvals that will enable drilling to commence in October 2022,” Executive Director, David Riekie, said.
“The aircore drill programme will take approximately three weeks and has been designed to focus on the shallow paleochannel zones prospective for uranium.
“Our target zones are at 30 meters depth, therefore the 80m x 180m grid spacing will result in a time and cost-efficient programme. During the programme the progressive gamma readings and portable XRF results will enable our geological team to interpret the preliminary results and commence planning for the next steps.”
Environmental works for PEPR and associated compliance reporting Adavale’s geologist Patrick Harvey visited the proposed drill site in July 2022, to both locate and peg the proposed 150 drill hole sites and to also record the current condition of each site for subsequent rehabilitation.
This programme was completed in conjunction with a drone survey as this imagery will assist compliance required for the “before” and “after” drilling condition of the site, and the drill site rehabilitation process as required by the DEM of South Australia.
Associated incident reporting documentation and the radiation management plans for exploration have also been submitted as part of the comprehensive process required for the PEPR.
The planned drilling programme in the Lake Surprise Uranium Project will consist of between 50-150 drill holes on lines spaced 180m apart and with drill holes 80m along the drill lines.