Colin Hay

Augustus Minerals (ASX: AUG) has received positive results from the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms to generate and predict gold targets within the company’s Music Well project in WA.

SensOre consultants have applied artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML) and other processing techniques using both public and proprietary datasets over the Music Well Project.

  • Cutting edge AI/ML algorithms targeting areas with minimal outcrop or under cover.
  • Integration of geological, geochemical and geophysical data sets into the AI process to define digital mineralisation fingerprints and generate AI-enhanced gold discovery predictions.
  • The AI SensOre study concluded that “Application of ML algorithms were found to model +1m oz Au potential with a high degree of predictability, and a total of 18 targets were identified within the Music Well project”:
  • Target 1 has the highest priority and is in the central north of the project with a strike length of 8km.
  • Target 1 trends NNW parallel to the general geological fabric as well as being intersected by several WNW trending cross structures.
  • Target 2 is located 4km east of the Wonder Deeps mine of Northern Star and is adjacent to a parallel WNW trending structure hosting Vault Minerals Great Western mine.
  • Target 2 is 1.4km in strike and 800m wide.
  • No historic drilling has been recorded at any of the target areas, highlighting the underexplored nature of the Music Well project.

Next Steps

  • Geological mapping and sampling over these new targets are scheduled for the next two weeks to gain further insight into the new targets.
  • Results from the January rock chip sampling programme are expected shortly.

“The work by SensOre has focussed our attention from areas of outcrop, toward regional targets which are obscured in many cases by thin cover and sheetwash,” Andrew Ford, GM Exploration, said.

“By applying groundbreaking technologies such as artificial intelligence has enabled the rapid prioritisation of multiple targets. The definition of targets reflecting a specific geophysical and geochemical response which also focuses on key mineralised structural trends provides encouragement as to the robust nature of the targeting process.”

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