African Gold Ltd (ASX: A1G) has reported on results from its recently completed drill programme at the BlaffoGueto prospect at the Didievi Gold Project in Central Côte d’Ivoire.

The drilling has delivered some spectacular broad, shallow and high-grade gold intercepts from surface that highlight the strong potential of the Didievi Gold Project.
The recent results have confirmed and extended the known areas of mineralisation at the Blaffo Gueto prospect as well as making new shallow high-grade discoveries. The recent drilling programme has also generated a plethora of new drill targets within the Blaffo Gueto area, all of which show the potential to add significant gold ounces to the Project.
These include the down plunge potential of the new high-grade results as well as the untested previously announced significant wide and high-grade intercepts at the Blaffo GuetoNorth, South, South-West, Central and East zones.
The new drill results complement historical and more recent intercepts completed by the company, which include a number of shallow broad high-grade intercepts (1,5,6):
- 10.0m at 123g/t gold from 66m including 2.0m at 613g/t gold (DRC334);
- 17.4m at 17g/t gold from 244m including 1.0m at 216g/t gold (DDD0029);
- 83.3m at 3.3g/t gold from 166.9m including 18.0m at 12.0g/t gold (DDD01);
- 80.0m at 3.0g/t gold from 0m including 23.0m at 9.5g/t gold (DDD013);
- 37.0m at 7.70g/t gold from 42m including 24.0m at 11.0g/t gold (DRC208); and
- 27.0m at 4.61g/t gold from 46m including 11.0m at 11.09g/t gold (DRC337) ended in mineralisation and is open at depth and to the north and south.
These exciting results from the recent drilling on the DidieviProject in Côte d’Ivoire, which focussed on the Blaffo-Guetoprospect, highlight the potential of Didievi to deliver substantial gold mineralisation,” CEO and Exploration Manager, Glen Edwards, said.
“The programme consisted of orientated diamond core drilling and was specifically designed to obtain geological information, test geological models and confirm tenor and style of mineralisation at Blaffo Gueto.
“The geological and mineralisation models are being developed and, while overall controls to alteration and mineralisation are understood, we do not yet fully understand the controls to super high grade parts of the system.
“We do, however, know that the high-grade shoot plunges to the south-west at around 30 degrees and is open at depth.
“Follow up diamond and RC drill programs have been designed to further test high-grade areas and to evaluate previously defined targets as well as regional gold-in-soil/trench results. We expect this program to commence following the end of the wet season in Q4, 2022.”
African Gold’s new Managing Director, Phillip Gallagher, said it is very pleasing to see such positive results from the recent drilling programme and the enormous potential in the Didievi Project and the others in the African Gold portfolio.
“We look forward to getting back onto the ground for follow up exploration after the wet season in Côte d’Ivoire and in Mali with a focus on advancing the projects as quickly as possible.”
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