Aldoro Resources Ltd (ASX: ARN) has commenced an induced Polarisation (IP) surveying at Target 1 of three survey areas targeting potential Ni-Cu- PGE mineralisation in Western Australia.

The Narndee Ni-Cu mineralisation model is based on the Callisto Ni-Cu deposit in the Fraser Range held by Galileo Mining Limited.
Target 1: The planned East-West survey lines cover the previous drilling at VC01 and an area to the east. At VC01 Ni-Cu mineralisation was intersected (up to 2.9m @0.92%Ni and 0.40% Cu in hole NDD0008) at the base of the ultramafic cumulate where they interface with mafics (including sediment) where this contact appears to dip to the east.
It is interpreted that the mineralisation may thicken to the east and the three IP lines extend 1km to the east to test the mineralisation model.
The model places the thickest sulphide ore lies in a zone at the base of the magma chamber through gravity segregation and PGE geochemical anomalies may indicate a late-stage fault-controlled ultramafic intrusive.
Previous drilling indicates deeper offset intersections to the north was a possible NE-SW striking fault causing the rapid changes in lithological depths and its presence is possibly support from the aeromagnetic interpretation. The proposed three IP lines has stations spaced 40m apart over 1000m, which is expected to provide IP soundings to 800m depth.
Target 2: lies 500m to the north of Target 1 and is based on a very strong aeromagnetic anomaly associated with VTEM and the PGE geochemical anomalies as well as surface gossans. The model for this location shows a basal Ni-Cu ore body at depth with a faulted offset with possible PGE’s association
Target 3 lies 2,600m to the north of Target 2 and forms the southern part of a large, strong VTEM anomalies with overlapping aeromagnetic anomaly and includes Ni geochemical anomalies. It is interpreted that the sulphide body could be significant deeper than Target 2 and as such three 1,200m east west lines are proposed with 31 stations. Given the depth that may be involved, this survey will only be conducted if Target 2 resolves conductive anomalies at depth.