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Alicanto Minerals Ltd (ASX: AQI) has identified significant brownfields targets for testing in upcoming diamond drilling programme with geological review of data from its Falun project in Sweden.

The data has been incorporated into a 3D geological model, which also includes the results of recently reviewed historic drill core.

The historic Falun mine produced 28Mt at 4% copper, 4g/t gold, 5% zinc, 2% lead and 35g/t silver. The newly identified zones sit outside the historic mine and are not impacted by historical mining voids.

In addition to the recently announced and ongoing surface electromagnetic and gravity surveys, the in‐country team has continued to review and compile further historic data and has relogged drill core available from the Swedish Geological Survey. This has allowed the further refinement and understanding of the historic Falun deposit and the brownfields prospectivity around the old mine.

All available historic data has now been uploaded into a comprehensive digital 3D model to assist with drill targeting. Several large targets for both copper/gold style and zinc/copper/lead style areas have been modelled, showing the potential for rapid Resource growth in the Falun brownfields environment.

The company is advancing these near mine targets, as well as the high priority targets along the 3.5km mineralised trend between its drilling at Skyttgruvan‐Naverberg and the Falun mine, for drill testing during the remainder of 2023.

We continue to see more evidence of the significant potential at Falun as we complete each phase of our work,” Managing Director, Rob Sennitt, said.

“The acquisition of the permit containing the historic Falun mine and our efforts to locate and analyse historic drill core have allowed us to compile detailed geological models enabling us to further improve our understanding of the geology and key structures at Falun.

“The combination of the continuing EM and gravity surveys, and analysis of the historic core, demonstrates the significant exploration upside at Falun and in particular within the 3.5km corridor between the historic Falun mine and the high‐grade mineralisation intersected last year at Skyttgruvan‐Naverberg.

“We now have a pipeline of high priority targets ensuring we are well positioned for the start of the diamond drill programme this quarter.”

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