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With Altech Batteries’ Cerenegy system shown by independent studies to produce half the greenhouse gas emissions of lithium-ion batteries, the emerging battery producer has engaged the Centre of International Climate and Environmental Research to evaluate the green credentials of its disruptive battery project.

Powered by common table salt and without a trace of cobalt, copper, graphite, or manganese, a comprehensive study conducted by the Sustainable Technologies Laboratory at Bochum University of Applied Sciences found the Cerenegy Battery produced an average of 16g carbon dioxide equivalent per kilowatt hour, compared to 31.3g for lithium-ion batteries and 122.1g for lead-acid batteries.

Altech Managing Director Iggy Tan said the company was confident in obtaining a green accreditation for a power system largely unreliant on mined materials.

There is clearly an environmental advantage of the CERENERGY® battery and proposed factory. Considering the GHG footprint evaluation conducted by independent groups, we anticipated from the outset that our batteries would be classified as ‘green batteries.’ We are currently in the official accreditation process,” Mr Tan said.

And the 100MWh plant slated to produce the batteries has in tune been meticulously designed to minimise emissions through renewable power and feature an on-site recycling plant.

The entire factory will abstain from natural gas usage and be powered by electricity, and much of it will be produced on site, with ample rooftop space dedicated to solar panels – generating electricity by day and stored at night in multiple banks of grid packs.

ESG growth

ESG investment has grown tenfold in the past decade and will continue to do so. Dedicated funds stood at US$3.9 trillion by the end of September 2021 and investors, customers, employees, and regulators all increasingly expect companies to demonstrate their commitment to ESG considerations.

Altech has begun its own reporting process in alignment with the World Economic Forum’s framework, and as it got started, it became apparent that most of the reporting metrics were already in place but will now be organised a visible framework to showcase the company’s initiatives and on-ground efforts to produce an environmentally sound product.

Altech’s plans are locked in on a 100 MWh SCSS battery plant on its land in Saxony, producing ABS60 battery packs to meet Europe’s growing demands of renewable energy and grid storage, and it has already locked in a remarkable group of expert suppliers as it proves up its green credentials.

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