Altech Chemicals Limited (ASX: ATC) has reported an Inferred Resource of 125 million tonnes at an ISO brightness of 85.2%, following Geos Mining’s Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE) study of the Kerrigan kaolin project in Western Australia.

This is a significant increase (47%) on the previous Geos Mining 2011 estimate of 85 million tonnes at an ISO brightness of 85.1%.
The updated resource estimate is based on latest drilling completed throughout the deposit in order to verify some of the earlier drilling and obtain samples for further test work and analysis.
The Kerrigan deposit is located 20 km south of the central wheatbelt town of Hyden, Western Australia and sits within exploration licence E70/4718-I, that covers an area of approximately 480 sq. km. The licence was granted in 2015 and is 100% owned by Altech.
Currently the kaolin feedstock required for the Johor high-purity alumina (HPA) is sufficiently supplied from our 100% owned Meckering deposit, which has a life of mine of more than 250 years,” Managing Director, Iggy Tan, said.
“The Kerrigan kaolin project has been developed as a separate stand-alone kaolin project which the company will be looking to divest should an attractive offer be forthcoming.”