Anax Metals Limited (ASX: ANX) has confirmed the visible evidence of its metallurgical diamond drilling completed in November 2020 at the Whim Creek Copper-Zinc Project, located south of Port Hedland in the West Pilbara region of Western Australia.

Anax recently completed its 80% Earn-In Interest in the project from VentureX Resources Ltd.
In late November 2020, Anax announced that metallurgical drilling had intersected visible near-surface matrix, semi- massive to massive sulphide and stringer Cu, Pb and Zn mineralisation at the Mons Cupri deposit. Results from continuous XRF-scanning have now been received with substantial zones of near-surface high-grade mineralisation intersected, including:
- 11m @ 5.01% Zn, 5.22% Pb and 0.87% Cu from 32m
- 42m @ 2.34% Cu from 43m, including: 11m @ 4.37% Cu from 43m
- 18m @ 5.20% Zn, 2.48% Cu and 1.53% Pb from 60m in 20AMCD002, including: 3m @ 10.34% Zn, 3.15% Pb and 2.55% Cu from 60m, and 4m @ 8.08% Zn, 2.96% Cu and 1.85% Pb from 68m.
- 62m @1.90% Cu, 1.03% Zn from 78m in 20AMCD002, including: 7m @ 4.75% Cu, 2.74% Zn from 78m
- 22m @ 1.88% Cu from 181m in 20AMCD002, including: 8m @ 3.00% Cu from 189m
At Mons Cupri, a total of four holes were completed for 651.5m. Three HQ-diameter holes targeted areas of high and medium-grade mineralisation. The core is being used for ore sorting and metallurgical test work that underpins the Pre- Feasibility Study (PFS) for Mons Cupri. In addition, one dedicated geotechnical hole was completed.
All three metallurgical holes encountered a similar mineralisation profile – with near-surface, very high-grade massive/semi-massive and blebby sphalerite-galena mineralisation followed by high-grade copper mineralisation intersected.The high-grade, more massive mineralisation styles grade into broad moderate-grade zones of stringer chalcopyrite or sphalerite mineralisation alternating with weakly mineralised zones containing disseminated chalcopyrite.
Ore sorting test work is currently in progress at both Steinert (Perth) and Tomra (Sydney). Test work is likely to be completed towards the end of February 2021 and results will be released once the program has concluded.
Anax confirmed it is making good progress with feasibility study activities with numerous work streams in progress.