Anova Metals Limited (ASX: AWV) is planning to undertake an aggressive drilling campaign at its 100%-owned Big Springs Gold Project in Nevada following the successful completion of its latest programme there.

Managing Director, Dr Mingyan (Joe) Wang, said the receipt of assay results for the residual six diamond holes from the 2020 drilling programme at Big Springs Gold Project has highlighted the upside potential, which the company is now keen to follow up.
The final results from the 2020 drilling programme again show the strong mineralisation profile evident across the Big Springs Gold Project,” Dr Wang said.
“The strong widths at excellent grades returned from these holes have delivered some key outcomes. Mineralisation continuity has been improved at both the SWX Shoot and Crusher Zone at North Sammy.
“Mineralisation at the SWX Shoot has also been extended down-dip and remains open in that direction. The discovery of footwall lodes at the SWX Shoot is also very encouraging.
“We now look forward to embarking upon our aggressive exploration plans for Big Springs in 2021. This programme is targeted at significant resource growth via extensional drilling of existing deposits plus testing of high-potential exploration targets derived from the extensive geophysical work undertaken through 2020.
“We believe this programme has the clear potential to reposition scale expectations for Big Springs. We look forward to commencing these workstreams, which are planned to include significant RC and diamond drilling through this year.”
Wide mineralised intercepts at excellent grades were received at both the SWX Shoot and Crusher Zone at North Sammy. The best results included:
- 15.24m @ 2.53g/t from 28.35m, including 3.05m @ 7.90g/t;
- 9.14m @ 2.18g/t from 54.25m, including 3.05m @ 4.37g/t;
- 9.14m @ 2.48g/t from 55.78m, including 2.74m @ 6.82g/t;
- 6.10m @ 2.80g/t from 77.11m, including 1.89m @ 5.92g/t;
- 3.11m @ 2.39g/t from 5.27m; and
- 16.76m @ 1.20g/t from 29.87m, including 3.05m @ 2.03g/t.
Dr Wang said main lode mineralisation at both the SWX Shoot and Crusher Zone are within Unit D, demonstrating strong alteration of silicification decarbonisation and argillic alteration. The dominant sulphide minerals are arsenopyrite and pyrite. Texture of brecciation, vuggy and stringers are observed. Unit D hosts most of the gold mineralisation at Big Springs.
Continuity of wide gold mineralisation at SWX Shoot, North Sammy has been enhanced through the intervals returned from holes BS-010A and BS-007, with encouraging assay results of 15.24m @ 2.53g/t from 28.35m (including 3.05m @ 7.90g/t) and 16.76m @ 1.20g/t from 29.87m.
Intercepts returned from BS-009 have successfully extended the mineralisation at SWX Shoot, North Sammy for approximately 50m down-dip, with an interval of 6.1m @ 2.80g/t from 77.11m, including 3.05m @ 7.90g/t. SWX Shoot mineralisation remains open down dip.
Footwall lode mineralisation for the SWX Shoot was established from three new drill holes (BS-007, BS- 009, and BS-010A), with intervals of 9.14m @ 2.18g/t from 54.25m (including 3.05m @ 4.37g/t) and 7.25m @ 1.04g/t from 136.92m.
Meanwhile, intervals of 9.14m @ 2.48g/t from 55.78m (including 2.74m @ 6.82g/t) in BS-003 and 1.52m @ 1.92g/t from 97.23m in BS-002 have further advanced the understanding of the geology at the Crusher Zone, North Sammy. The continuity of defined mineralisation for this area has also been significantly improved.
A noteworthy interval of 3.11m @ 2.39g/t from 5.27m was received from BS-008 at the North Shoot, North Sammy. This indicates the clear potential for further shallow discoveries of oxide resources.