Anson Resources Limited (ASX: ASN) has defined two large, Rare Earth Element (REE) priority exploration targets at its Hooley Well Project in the mid-west region of Western Australia.

The Hooley Well Project is located approximately 700km north-east of Perth, in the north-western area of the highly prospective Yilgarn Craton. Anson recently reported that it had defined 13 new Ni- Cu-PGE exploration targets from an airborne magnetic survey at the Project.
The company has now successfully completed reprocessing of historical radiometric surveys over the project area, which has resulted in the definition of two large REE targets at Hooley Well.
The company’s management says the new REE targets further enhance the multi-commodity exploration potential of the Hooley Well Project and will be a focus of Anson’s next phase of exploration at the Project.
This is planned to commence in the current quarter, with drilling to be undertaken upon securing of requisite approvals. Further details on the planned programme will be provided in due course.
The Project is situated west of Krakatoa Resources’ (ASX: KTA) large REE JORC Mineral Resource at its Tower project and east of Desert Metals’ highly anomalous REE prospect at its Innouendy Project where drilling to date is just 500m from the Hooley Well tenement; the majority Desert Metals’ drillholes have recorded Total Rare Earth Oxide (TREO) values >1,000ppm.
To date, the REE mineralisation appears to strike along the Yilgarn Craton margin. Desert Metals have drilled a line of holes perpendicular to the interpreted craton margin and shows REE mineralisation extending for 2.5km
The Hooley Well Project is also well located relative to proposed infrastructure, with Iluka Resources’ planned REE refinery at Eneabba (ILU: press release 3 April 2022), only 400km from the Project site by well-maintained public roads.