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Staff Writer

Antipa Minerals Limited (ASX: AZY) has commenced an aggressive Minyari Dome Phase 2 drill programme in Western Australia’s Paterson Province with two diamond core rigs drill testing multiple high potential resource growth targets.

The Project is located within 35km of Newcrest Mining’s Telfer gold‐copper‐silver mine and mineral processing facility and 54km along strike from Greatland Gold‐Newcrest’s Havieron gold‐copper development project.

Antipa has started to unlock the potential of our flagship 100%‐owned Minyari Dome Project,” Managing Director, Roger Mason, said.

“To date we have delivered a 250% increase to the project’s Mineral Resource Estimate, backed up by a Scoping Study which demonstrated the potential for an attractive stand‐alone gold mining and processing development, resulting in the commencement of a Pre‐feasibility Study.

“The Minyari Dome Project economics are hugely leveraged to future resource growth, from both extensional and greenfield drilling opportunities and we have a pipeline of high‐prospectivity gold‐ copper targets to drill.

“We remain committed to continuing a substantial exploration programme across our 144km2 tenure at Minyari Dome, which includes an aggressive growth exploration programme.

“The first phase of drilling was completed in mid‐August with assay results expected shortly and the second phase of drilling was recently commenced to test the high priority Minyari down plunge resource extensional target and the Minyari North prospect area.

“Additionally, new greenfield discoveries are being targeted from planned drill testing of high‐priority soil geochemical targets. The objective of the growth drilling programme is to increase the potential project life to seriously boost project economics.”

Q4 CY 2022 Exploration Programme and Pre‐feasibility Study Plan

In addition to commencing the project Pre‐feasibility Study (PFS), Antipa aims to significantly increase the Minyari Dome Project Mineral Resources via a two‐phase Exploration Programme testing a range of gold‐copper‐cobalt resource extension targets, prospects and greenfield targets.

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