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Antipa Minerals Limited’s (ASX: AZY) CY2022 Phase 2 greenfield drilling programme has delivered two new discoveries at Minyari North and at the GEO-01 target within the 100% owned Minyari Dome Project in Western Australia’s Paterson Province.

The Minyari Dome Project is located within 35km of Newcrest Mining’s Telfer gold-copper-silver mine and mineral processing facility and 54km along strike from Newcrest-Greatland Gold’s Havieron gold-copper development project.

These greenfield drilling results grow the Minyari Dome trend to 4.4km and give us strong reason to believe there is excellent potential to grow the near-surface, open-pit amenable, Mineral Resource this year,” Managing Director, Roger Mason, said.

“The Minyari Dome Project economics are hugely leveraged to future resource growth. As such, we are very pleased to have further expanded the pipeline of high-prospectivity gold-copper targets within 400m of the Minyari and WACA deposits.

“At the Minyari North prospect, 100m spaced drilling has returned several strong grade intersections. At the nearby GEO-01 soil target, 100m spaced first-pass air core drilling has identified a mineral system footprint similar in size to our flagship Minyari deposit. Minyari North and GEO-01 are now our highest priority maiden resource opportunities, with other promising targets including Chicane and GP01 also planned to be drilled.

“Our detailed assessment of the Minyari Deeps plunge and Minyari North diamond drill holes, in conjunction with geophysical data, re-frames the Minyari Deeps plunge target to a shallower fault- offset position. As a result, future drilling is set to test the plunge and dip extents of the shallower Minyari North mineralisation, which may extend further south toward Minyari, and potentially uncovering a shallower, related system.

“We are planning to embark on a significant resource growth drilling programme at Minyari Dome during CY2023. This programme is currently under design and is set to run in parallel with the Minyari Dome PFS workstreams.”

CY2022 Phase 2 Exploration Programme

The second phase of the Minyari Dome CY2022 Exploration Programme involved approximately 9,000m of drilling which was completed in mid-December and comprised:

  • resource definition diamond drilling (DD) programme for Minyari deposit (4,365m);
  • resource growth DD programme testing high potential resource targets (2,813m); and
  • first-pass air core (AC) drill programme testing high-priority greenfield soil targets (1,400m).

Assay results from the Phase 2 resource definition DD programme have previously been released. This release contains all assay results from the Phase 2 growth DD and air core programmes.

Combined results from CY2022 Phase 1 and Phase 2 resource growth and exploration drilling support the opportunity for further significant resource growth from several prospects located less than 400m from the Minyari and WACA deposits. High priority opportunities identified include the Minyari North, GEO-01, Chicane and GP01 targets.

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