Antipa Minerals Limited (ASX: AZY) has confirmed drilling has hit significant high-grade gold and copper intersections with the return of the second batch of assay results for the 2021 drill programme at the Minyari Dome Project in Western Australia.

Managing Director, Roger Mason, said the 100% owned, 144 sq. kmMinyari Dome Project is located in the sort after Paterson Province and within 35km of Newcrest Mining’s gold‐copper‐silver mine and mineral processing facility and 54km along strike from Greatland Gold‐Newcrest’s Havieron gold‐copper development project.
Resource definition drilling continues to intersect strong gold mineralisation over wide intervals which will support a revised resource estimate and project development studies,” Mr Mason said.
“At Minyari, high‐grade gold ± copper mineralisation has been intersected along 500m of strike, down to 600m below the surface and across a horizontal width of up to 275m, and mineralisation remains open in several directions.
“The Phase 2 drill programme has been expanded to target resource extension targets, including Minyari East and a number of high priority greenfield targets all less than 3km from the existing Minyari and WACA resources. The Phase 2 drill programme is expected to be completed in October.”
Summary of Drill Programme Objectives
The 2021 Phase 1 drill programme, which commenced early May, is designed to:
- Test for extensions of both the Minyari and WACA resources, which combined host a high‐ grade JORC 2012 Mineral Resource Estimate of 723koz gold at 2.0 g/t and 26kt copper at 0.24%;
- Explore for new zones of mineralisation proximal to the existing resources such as the new Minyari East discovery;
- Elevate the existing Mineral Resource JORC classification via 25m infill drill sections (i.e. designed to upgrade the existing Inferred sections of the Resource to Indicated and the Indicated sections to Measured Mineral Resource); and
- Provide the basis for project development studies.
Results to date
Assay results have now been received for 20 reverse circulation (RC) drill holes in total (5,665m), which demonstrate favourable compatibility with the current Mineral Resource domains and have discovered significant additional high‐grade gold‐copper mineralisation immediately east and west of the existing Minyari resource, including at Minyari East. The Phase 1 drill results, which are both resource definition and extensional in nature, continue to extend the potential size of the Minyari Resource and enhance the project development opportunity.
High-grade gold and copper intersections, include:
- 28.0m at 1.63 g/t gold and 0.18% copper from 161.0m down hole in 21MYC0218, including: o 14.0m at 2.67 g/t gold and 0.32% copper from 173.0m, also including: 6.0m at 4.11 g/t gold and 0.38% copper from 176.0m; and 1.0m at 7.88 g/t gold and 0.40% copper from 186.0m
- 13.0m at 2.17 g/t gold and 0.40% copper from 321.0m down hole in 21MYC0219 (further assays awaited), including: 2.0m at 9.13 g/t gold, 2.01% copper and 2.19 g/t silver from 321.0m
- 33.0m at 1.57 g/t gold, 0.72% copper and 2.01 g/t silver from 181.0m down hole in 21MYC0215, including: 7.0m at 3.04 g/t gold, 0.55% copper and 1.70 g/t silver from 187.0m, also including: 1.0m at 14.95 g/t gold, 1.66% copper and 4.46 g/t silver from 191.0m o 4.0m at 3.13 g/t gold, 2.88% copper and 6.75 g/t silver from 208.0m
- 16.0m at 1.32 g/t gold and 0.20% copper from 18.0m down hole in 21MYC0212, including: o 1.0m at 5.11 g/t gold and 0.05% copper from 18.0m
Assays received to date represent just 25% of the Minyari Dome Phase 1 +21,000m Resource infill, Resource extensional and brownfield discovery drilling programme and, significantly, have:
- Proven that significant zones of very high‐grade gold‐copper‐silver‐cobalt mineralisation exist outside the current Minyari deposit Mineral Resource estimate boundary;
- Discovered new high‐grade gold‐copper mineralisation at Minyari East which extended the overall width of the Minyari mineralisation envelope to approximately 275m;
- Further confirmed that high‐grade mineralisation is commonly associated with sulphide matrixed breccia zones analogous to the Havieron gold‐copper style of mineralisation; and
- Confirmed Minyari mineralisation remains open down plunge, along strike and variously open across strike to the east ± west.