Staff Writer

Argent Minerals (ASX: ARD) has received further confirmation of outcropping copper-silver mineralisation over its 100%-owned Copperhead Cu-Zn-Ag Project in the Gascoyne Region of Western Australia.

We are delighted to have high-grade copper-silver results returned from the rock chip sampling reconnaissance program at our Illirie North Prospect area. Observations from the field have been confirmed by these excellent copper assay results,” Managing Director, Pedro Kastellorizos, said.

“The mineralisation now extends over 2.1km in length from the 2022 and 2023 geochemical sampling programs. To date, the silver and copper grades have been the highest received over the Copperhead Project with the mineralisation structurally controlled over these extensive folded synclines.”

Exploration Licence E45/3001 “Illirie North Prospect Area”

Argent recently commenced a geochemical reconnaissance program and released an announcement on the identification of three new copper zones at Copperhead on 15 November 2023), which were previously called Discovery 1, 2 and 3 Zone.

The Illirie North Prospect (previously called Discovery 3 Zone) is located on the western limb of a synclinal structure with 2.1km of known mineralisation, which remains open.

In this area, 11 samples (CH246-CH256) were collected, containing malachite and varying amounts of chrysocolla and azurite. These samples were collected over 150m of strike length within a bleached siltstone striking 320° and dipping between -75° and -80° east. In the central part of the area (samples CH248-CH250), the malachite is pervasive through the rock, with stringers of chrysocolla over an interval 8 to 10m wide.

Results at Illirie North Prospect

A further 100 rock-chip geochemical samples have been collected during the Copperhead reconnaissance programme with assays pending.

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