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Staff Writer

Arrow Minerals Limited (ASX: AMD) has made a gold discovery from its maiden drilling programme at the T8 and T11 prospects at the Barlee Gold Project, 100km west of Menzies in Western Australia.

Arrow hits gold with first shot at T8
T8 Prospect showing significant gold intersections, drill collars, soil anomaly and regional magnetics

Arrow Minerals’ Managing Director, Steven Michael, said the first drill results from the T8 prospect are very exciting, with significant widths and grade intersected in over 300m of adjacent drill holes.

He said the results at T8 are highly significant for first pass drilling and have confirmed thick, continuous gold mineralisation with multiple high-grade.

The results highlight the potential for the T8 prospect to host considerable gold mineralisation with 1.5 strike km of gold anomalism yet to be tested (open to the north and south) and no drilling at depth.

With mineralisation confirmed, follow up work for T8 will consist of systematic tight spaced aircore drilling over the anomaly and ground geophysics to help define priority targets within this exciting gold discovery. Aircore drilling and geophysics will be undertaken in 1H 2018.

“The results demonstrate the potential of the T8 prospect to host a substantial, shallow gold resource. The reconnaissance drill programme has only tested 200m of strike along a 1.7km mineralised corridor.

“Further drilling, planned for early 2018, will aim to extend the gold prospect to the north, south and east and at depth. Arrow Minerals pegged the majority of the tenements at the Barlee Gold Project in September and November 2016.

“Over the past year, we have completed several phases of exploration which have led to the identification of nine gold prospects. Four prospects have now been drill tested – T1, T2, T8 and T11 – with gold mineralisation intersected at every target. Follow up drilling at these four prospects and first pass drilling of the remaining five prospects will commence in early 2018,” Mr Michael said.

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The T8 prospect was defined by a 1.7km x 600m gold-in-soil anomaly with associated pathfinder elements, adjacent to a regional scale NNE trending structure and intense localised magnetic anomaly.

The drill programme consisted of aircore and RC drilling over the T8 and T11 prospects and was the first gold drilling ever undertaken at these prospects. Arrow Minerals completed 13 RC holes (1,518m) at T8 as well as 10 aircore holes (717m) and 2 RC holes (252m) at T11. The drill programme was designed to test for gold mineralisation associated with prospective litho-structural settings within the greenschist facies Yerilgee Greenstone Belt.

60m spacing. Significant gold mineralisation was intersected on both drill lines.

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