Arrow Minerals Limited (ASX:AMD) continues to grow its Dassa gold discovery on the Divole West exploration permit in Burkina Faso with positive new assay results.

Results from a successful reverse circulation (RC) drilling programme at Dassa has expanded the gold mineralisation to a strike length of more than 900m.
Managing Director, Howard Golden, said the shallow, mostly oxide-hosted gold mineralisation is continuous along strike and to a depth of more than 150m.
“These very positive results at Dassa give us confidence that the Dassa gold deposit has the continuity, grade and thickness that we were hoping for.
“This puts us in a position where we can continue to expand Dassa while advancing several nearby advanced and early-stage projects to realise an emerging gold district in western Burkina Faso.
“Confirming the mineralisation potential at Dassa is particularly significant in light of the recently signed agreement to explore on a contiguous permit block held by Trevali Minerals.
The resulting exploration area holds high potential for additional gold mineralisation along more than 80 km of the same prospective Boromo Greenstone Belt that hosts the Dassa discovery. Arrow intends to commence exploration programs on the Trevali tenements in Q2 2021.”
Between late December 2020 and early February 2021, the company completed 4,007m of RC drilling to bring the Dassa drilling total to 12,676m. The recent drill programme was focussed on the northern Dassa mineralised zone in the Divole West permit in Burkina Faso and was undertaken exclusively in the northern of two gold-bearing zones.
The work completed comprised infill RC drilling between existing widely spaced RC profiles as well as drilling to extend the gold mineralisation to the north, south, and down-dip to the east
Mr Golden said the latest programme has tightened the drill section spacing on the northern Dassa zone to 80m, and successfully defined a 900m long zone of near surface gold mineralisation locally exceeding 20m, but more typically 5-15m in thickness.
Mineralisation has a shallow east-dip and occurs along the sheared contact between sedimentary rocks and an underlying granitic intrusion.
Mr Golden said Dassa remains open down- dip and to the north, with scope to expand shallow, potentially open-pittable mineralisation. Weathering typically extends down to around 50m depth, and many of the existing intersections sit in oxide material.
“The drilling in the northern Dassa zone, plus the additional mineralisation in the southern zone, bodes well for a substantial volume of gold mineralisation on the Divole West permit.”
Auger sampling results in August 2020, extended significant gold anomalism a further 2km south of the current southern Dassa zone drilling and represents a further high priority target.
“With the Arrow footprint expanded to include a significant portion of the Boromo Belt, the highly encouraging results from Dassa provide the confidence and understanding of the mineralisation to unlock the potential of this emerging gold district.
“The upcoming quarter will see an expanded programme to grow Dassa and the known mineralisation at nearby Divole East as well as accessing the huge potential of the 80 km long Trevali block provided by the recent agreement.
“Arrow’s strategy of highest quality targeting and value-adding cooperation with partners continues to bear fruit.”