Arrow Minerals Limited (ASX:AMD) has identified five new anomalous gold targets from the results of its detailed soil geochemical survey conducted over the 10km Sanguie-Semapoun structural corridor at the Vranso Project, Burkina Faso.

Through December and January, Arrow undertook a detailed soil sampling programme over the Sanguie-Semapoun structural corridor on 400m spaced lines and 50m centres. A total of 2,032 sites were sampled and dispatched to ALS in Ouagadougou for gold analysis by fire assay.
In conjunction with this field work, our joint venture partner, Trevali Mining, provided Arrow with access to historical soil sample pulps that had previously only been assayed for base metals. Arrow submitted these pulps for gold analysis.
The results of both soil sets of geochemical analysis highlighted and confirmed that the Sanguie-Semapoun structural corridor consists of multiple sub-parallel gold mineralised structures.
Drilling has only been undertaken on two of these sub-parallel systems, Guido and Semapoun, successfully identifying the occurrence of gold mineralisation at both prospects.
Five newly confirmed sub-parallel systems, all extending for greater than 2km of strike, remain to be drill tested. A detailed structural analysis is underway to provide additional information to provide a vector toward the better grade and consistent gold bearing systems.
The gold anomalous geochemical corridor remains open to the north and south. As part of the ongoing exploration program, soil sampling is to be expanded to provide geochemical information over all areas of outcrop or shallow coverage.
This information will be combined with the regional auger geochemistry information to provide a comprehensive geochemical map of the prospective Paleoproterozoic Birimian Greenstones within the Vranso Project area and define additional new gold targets.
The Vranso Project, located 100km west of the capital of Burkina Faso, Ouagadougou, consists of ten semi-contiguous exploration permits extending for over 80km along the main NE-SW trending Boromo Shear Zone, host to numerous multimillion-ounce gold deposits including Bissa, Bouly, Poura and Batie West.
The Vranso Project encompasses 1,300 km2 of the richly gold endowed Paleoproterozoic Birimian Greenstone Belt in an area of established mining infrastructure where Arrow is applying systematic modern scientific gold exploration techniques for the first time.