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Staff Writer

Artemis Resources Limited (ASX:ARV) continues to expand the high- grade gold-copper-cobalt mineralized zones with more impressive drill results fromits 100%-owned Carlow Castle Gold and Copper Project in the west Pilbara region of Western Australia.

Executive Director, Boyd Timler, saidCarlow Castle drilling continues to return exceptional grades and widths as the company expands the mineralised envelope of the Main Zones.

These results are defining discrete high-grade gold and copper mineralised shoots within the ore body, helping to expand the mineral resource potential and assisting the targeting of further drilling planned in Q2 2021,” Mr Timler said.

“The company remains excited with these results as it continues to grow the resource potential of Carlow Castle which will be incorporated into a new mineral resource estimation, commencing shortly.

“Artemis Resources is building a team of senior technical personnel that understands what is required to progress an advanced stage project like Carlow Castle.

“As Executive Director I am excited with leading a technical team that is gaining insight into the orebody controls, maximizing the mineral resource potential with a focused, mature, knowledgeable view and utilising the expertise of our business partners like CSA Global and Resource Potentials.”

The Carlow Castle 10,500m Q1 2021 RC drill campaign was expanded to 55 holes. The company is awaiting assay results for the remaining 28 holes which should be received over the next few weeks.

Of the results received, most were extensional targets on the Main Zone, giving us vital information on the predictability of the implied high grade ore shoots. These results are validating our thinking on the mineralisation controls of this ore body.

The company has scheduled a Q2 2021 campaign including some 1,500m of diamond drill coring and a minimum of 10,000m of RC drilling, targeting both in- fill and step-out resource definition and some near resource targets from our recently completed DDIP geophysical survey.

Highlight hole of the latest results, ARC277 was drilled at the east end of Main Zone, and intersected outstanding Au – Cu grades and widths further growing the resource at depth. Results include14m @ 7.03g/t Au, 2.61% Cu, 0.28% Co from 123m, including; 3m @ 25.8g/t Au, 5.25% Cu, 0.46% Co from 129m, including; 1m @ 66.8g/t Au, 6.52% Cu, 0.53% Co from 129m

Holes ARC272 ARC276 and ARC277 were targeting high-grade mineralised shoots in the Eastern Zone of the Main 1.2km structure, with ARC280 targeting a shallowly plunging mineralised shoot on the Western Zone.

ARC272 is interesting in that it has returned a significantly high-grade result were a potential plunging zone was anticipated.

Mr Timler said that most importantly, these results are returning high grade gold and copper assays on the main shoots and the continued occurrence of the lower grade gold-copper-cobalt “halo zone” around the high-grade zones.

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