Artemis Resources Limited (ASX: ARV) has detected three IP chargeability with a high resolution dipole–dipole IP survey over the prospective Lulu Creek Intrusion Related Gold System (IRGS) in the Pilbara region of WA.

The survey consisted of 15 lines for 14-line kilometres over an area of 251 hectares.
We continue to advance our Pilbara portfolio and are very encouraged by the latest indications from our Lulu Creek Gold Project,” Exploration Manager Luke Meter said.
“Discovering IP conductors, one of which is associated with gold mineralisation, reinforces our belief that Lulu Creek may represent a new IRGS discovery within our Pilbara tenements. With the intrusion being emplaced along the prospective Regal Thrust and situated near recently documented ‘Sanukitoid like intrusions’, which indicate mantle fluid pathways in the area. The Company is excited by its potential and is advancing its preparations to drill test the new anomalies.”
The IP survey was completed by Southern Geoscience Consultants with the aim of defining chargeability anomalies that represent disseminated sulphides within and around the Lulu Creek diorite and are believed to have the potential to host gold mineralisation in conjunction with quartz veins.
In the central portion of the intrusion, a shallow discrete chargeability body was identified 25 m below surface with a down plunge component of approximately 100 m. This anomaly has been historically intercepted by two 50 m reverse circulation (RC) drill holes each of which intercepted broad low-grade mineralisation being:
Logging of the mineralised zones within these drill holes, indicates that the mineralisation and the chargeability anomaly are both associated with disseminated pyrite in the order of 2-3%. This association is expected to be similar for the larger and deeper northern chargeability anomaly, which has an east-west strike of 300 m and a down plunge extent greater than 200 m
The collection of detailed drone magnetics across the prospect is also proposed to further delineate the relationship between a subtle magnetic anomaly and the northern IP chargeability anomaly.