Aurumin Limited (ASX: AUN) is preparing to recommence drilling at its 100% owned Mt Dimer Project located 120km north-east of Southern Cross in Western Australia.

Mt Dimer is a historical high-grade production centre, having produced over 125,000 ounces of gold, including open pit and underground production of 600,000 tonnes @ 6.4 g/t Au.
All required approvals are in place, a drill rig has been secured and mobilisation is planned for the week commencing July 12, 2021. Approximately 2500m of drilling is expected to be completed in this current programme.
Drilling will build on the previous successful Aurumin drilling programmes at existing deposits (Lighting, Golden Slipper and LO3) and at newly identified mineralised structures discovered during Aurumin’s recent SAM survey target drilling (Frodo North (T6), T12, and T24).
Aurumin will also target a new prospect north of the Karli West open pit based on historical soil sampling and site mapping.
The company said it expects this drilling programme to take ~three weeks to complete, with assays to be received and interpreted approximately five weeks later. Following receipt of these results, we will plan and commence further drill programmes in Q3 and Q4.
Targets include:
Lightning is a high-grade unmined deposit at Mt Dimer. Mineralisation consists of multiple narrow high-grade quartz bearing ore shoots plunging steeply to the north, within a northerly trending structure primarily hosted by granite.
The upcoming drilling at Lightning is designed to follow up a potential new high-grade ore shoot identified immediately north of the existing Lightning deposit. This structure was first reported by Aurumin in drillhole LTRC2105, which returned 4m @ 4.39g/t Au.
Golden Slipper is a high-grade deposit at Mt Dimer, previously mined as an open pit. Mineralisation consists of multiple narrow high-grade quartz bearing ore shoots plunging steeply to the north, within a northerly trending structure and is primarily hosted by granite.
The drilling at Golden Slipper is designed to target extensions of identified mineralisation, both along strike and down plunge. The focus is on previously identified high-grade ore shoots and the follow up of recent drilling result of 7m @ 7.55g/t reported by Aurumin in drillhole GSRC2103.
The LO3 deposit is one of the three LO deposits mined in the mid 1990’s at Mt Dimer. It has an open pit of similar scale to LO1 and LO2, however, unlike LO1 and LO2, has limited underground workings. The orebody is thought not to have been closed off along strike or below the underground workings and remnant potential exists directly below the open pit.
The LO3 drilling programme is designed to target the continuation of high-grade ore shoots, previously mined both in open pit and underground, down dip below previous mining. The programme also targets the potential for additional ore shoots located immediately to the north and south of the open pit.
Karli West is a deposit hosted in a monzogranite sheet, previously mined as an open pit. Mineralisation occurs in a shear zone striking approximately 015° and dipping to the east. Immediately north of Karli West, a strong geochemical anomaly has been identified in historical auger drilling. This programme will test for northerly trending mineralised structures within the Karli Northwest (T2) anomaly, along strike of Karli West with a drill line across the anticipated structure.
During Aurumin’s March 2021 drilling programme, testing targets defined from the Company’s 2020 SAM geophysical survey, several mineralised structures were successfully identified. This round of drilling is the first phase of further testwork to better define these targets and selects three of these structures, Frodo North (T6), T12 and T24 for follow up work.
Frodo North (T6) Prospect
Drilling at T6 (Frodo North) is designed to target extensions to mineralisation along strike of the Frodo Open Pit, and to follow up on a mineralised structure identified in two holes on a single drill line in Aurumin’s March 2021 drilling programme.