Richard Hayes
Richard Hayes, Chairman, Gold Industry Group
Richard Hayes, Chairman,
Gold Industry Group

Gold is also the nation’s third largest mineral export, worth $16 billion in FY2015/16, and the industry employs more than 50,000 people directly and indirectly.

Despite its impressive profile, Australians are generally unaware of the gold industry’s scale and value chain. The importance of gold to our economy and our communities – particularly regional communities for whom gold mining is their primary source of commercial activity, is often not well understood and appreciated.

The Gold Industry Group aims to change this. In its first year, it has put ‘rubber on the road’ and begun the journey of engaging and educating the community, connecting the industry and promoting gold across Australia.

Importantly, it has created a unified voice for the sector and raised its profile through a number of initiatives. The Group’s activities have been focused on providing the greatest value possible to its diverse industry membership base, which is growing steadily.

Participating in a number of events and initiatives, the Group has represented the gold industry at key forums such as Diggers and Dealers. It has partnered at national conferences such as the Precious Metals Investment Symposium in Sydney, and shared stories and content through its social media channels. The Group has also hosted a number of industry events, including the highly successful Women in Gold function, held in partnership with Women in Mining WA.

One of the Group’s most significant achievements has been the concept development of the Heart of Gold Discovery Trail, with the initial rollout in Perth. With the use of an app, the Group has created an engaging and interactive ‘gold trail’ experience, both online and in person, with the ability to replicate the concept anywhere in Australia. Pop-up, interactive gold prospecting activities will also be hosted throughout the year and it is planned to link this educational initiative to the Australian Curriculum.

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This is a long-term community and tourism initiative which will connect, engage, educate and delight the wider public, including students, families and tourists.

Understanding the nation’s humble beginnings and learning of the impact the early gold rushes had on the development of Australia provides an appreciation of the vibrant Australian society of today.

From the foundation upon which the nation was built, gold has become a sought after asset investment class, offering a safe store of wealth in both good and challenging economic times.

As the Gold Industry Group continues to bring the industry together and promote the importance of gold in the hearts and minds of Australians, it will assist in ensuring a strong and sustainable future for the gold mining industry and help to communicate Australia’s contribution to the wider global gold community.

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