Staff Writer

Avenira Limited (ASX: AEV) has identified a high-grade exploration opportunity within its 100% owned Wonarah Phosphate Project in the Northern Territory.


  • Assessment of the tenure footprint (100% Avenira) surrounding Wonarah has been undertaken to assess potential extensions at a 27% P2O5 cut-off grade to support the DSO study being undertaken.
  • This review assessed drillhole intersections of >27% P2O5 mineralisation not contained within the current Mineral Resource Estimate.
  • Significant intersections include:
    • 5m@35.7% P2O5 from 55m in WNRC1525,
    • 8m@28.2% P2O5 from 47m in WNRC1748; and o 3m@33.4% P2O5 from 56m in WNRC1754

Exploration Drilling Intercepts

In parallel with the mining front-end engineering design study (FEED) for the DSO Project being undertaken by AMC Consultants, Avenira has undertaken a review of its exploration drillhole database. This review assessed the presence of drillhole intersections of >27% P2O5 mineralisation geographicaly external to the Mineral Resource Estimate.

Intersections were noted on Avenira tenure (100% owned) adjacent to both the Main Zone and Arruwurra resource footprints.

Intersections were approximately true widths due to the low angle of dip of the stratigraphy and the vertical orientation of the drilling. Samples for analysis were removed from the cyclone at 1 metre intervals and riffle split to provide a representative sample. All samples were analysed by XRF at Amdel Laboratories.

 The high-grade extensions to the Wonarah phosphate deposit further consolidate our views of the significance of the Wonarah deposit and its Tier 1 status amongst peers,” Chairman and CEO, Brett Clark, said

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