Staff Writer

Azure Minerals Limited (ASX: AZS) has intersected high-grade zones of nickel and copper sulphide mineralisation within massive sulphides at the Andover Ni-Cu Project in Western Australia.

Managing Director, Tony Rovira, said the broad envelope of nickel-copper sulphide mineralisation returned an overall intersection of 41.9m @ 1.10% nickel and 0.57% copper, confirming the potential of this mineralised system to host a substantial Ni-Cu deposit.

We continue to be very encouraged by the outstanding results that our Andover drilling program is delivering, and we’re excited by the potential that this project continues to demonstrate with each drill hole,” Mr Rovira said.

“Modelling of the VC-07 EM conductor plate has, to date, proven to be very accurate, and importantly, wherever drilling has tested this conductor, significant nickel-copper sulphide mineralisation has been intersected.

“The high-grade nickel and copper assays from the massive sulphides intersected in ANDD0004 and the coincident strong in-hole EM conductor support VC- 07 as the geophysical signature of a fertile and potentially extensive nickel and copper-rich mineralised system.

“The deepest hole, ANDD0006, intersected the widest mineralised zone yet drilled, with an intersection width in excess of 53m, indicating that the mineralised zone is still open in the down- dip direction and potentially broadening with increasing depth.

“Our latest drill hole ANDD0007 is targeting the conductor plate with a 100m step-out to the west and additional drilling will continue to test the along-strike extensions of VC-07 in that direction. If VC-07 continues to deliver similar mineralised intersections along its more than one kilometre length, there is the potential here to define a substantial nickel-copper sulphide deposit.”

To date, Azure has completed six diamond drill holes for a total of 2,025.9m at the Andover Ni-Cu Project.

All six holes have intersected broad intervals containing substantial nickel-copper sulphide mineralisation. In every hole drilled to date, massive sulphide zones coincide with strong electromagnetic conductors detected by surface fixed-loop electromagnetic (FLTEM) surveys and subsequently confirmed by down- hole (DHTEM) surveys.

Assay results from ANDD0004 confirm that this nickel-copper sulphide mineralisation is clearly associated with the strong and continuous VC-07 EM conductor. Geophysical modelling indicates that VC-07 extends for at least 1,050m to the west-northwest and has a potential depth extent in excess of 150m-200m

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