Colin Hay

M3 Mining Limited (ASX:M3M) has identified 14 new historic copper workings at the Victoria Bore Project located 120km south of Onslow in Western Australia.

“M3 Mining is thrilled to share that additional copper oxide occurrences have been found 3km to the southeast of the historic Victoria Bore Copper Mine which produced high grade copper averaging circa 32.7% Cu for 62.5t of copper,” Executive Director Brad Eley said.

“These workings were not previously recorded and were ‘rediscovered’ by a recent pXRF soil sampling programme. The significance of finding further historic copper workings at Victoria Bore cannot be understated.

“The team will focus all their attention on identifying the scale and nature of the copper mineralisation across the 600m extent where the fourteen workings were found. The importance of copper continues to grow and is expected to remain a critical commodity moving forward. M3 Mining is well placed to take advantage of this with its recent success and significant land holding in the district.”

Historic Copper Workings

The 14 historic copper workings were found at Victoria Bore whilst undertaking a pXRF soil sampling program.

They are located approximately 3km to the southeast (along the same magnetic trend) of the historic Victoria Bore Copper Mine. The workings all contain remnant copper oxide mineralisation (confirmed by pXRF with elevated levels above background.

Grab samples have been obtained from all sites in addition to other copper occurrences that were found between the workings. These samples are currently being dispatched to independent laboratories in Perth with results expected later in the current quarter.

The group of workings could relate to the ‘Victoria West’ Minedex entry which may have been mistakenly lodged (or the product of incorrect coordinate conversion) as occurring 1.5km to the north, however, this is yet to be confirmed.

The workings extend over approximately 600m, each working varies in scale and all are considered to be small in comparison to the historic Victoria Bore Copper Mine.

No evidence of drilling was sighted in the wider vicinity surrounding the workings and M3 believes that the historic copper workings have not yet been evaluated through modern exploration methods.

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