Black Cat Syndicate Limited (ASX:BC8) has received further high-grade assay results from drilling activities at Rowe’s Find, part of the Kal East Gold Project in Western Australia.

The first drilling at Rowe’s Find since 2012 was completed in December 2020 and all results have been returned. Most holes in the programme were extensional and outside the JORC 2012 Mineral Resource.
Managing Director, Gareth Solly said the thick, high-grade results highlight areas for Resource growth and follow up drilling, including:
- 3m @ 7.57 g/t Au from 115m – extensional;
- 7m @ 5.74 g/t Au from 83m -extensional; 2m @ 7.68 g/t Au from 112m – extensional;
- 8m @ 3.19 g/t Au from 46m – infill; and
- 7m @ 3.17 g/t Au from 9m – infill
Pleasingly, Black Cat’s maiden drilling at Rowe’s Find offers plenty of encouragement and includes numerous high-grade zones with strong potential for Resource growth in an area that has seen minimal work,” Mr Solly said.
“Planning for the next RC programme at Rowe’s Find has commenced and will target extensions of the existing Resource which we will be looking to grow rapidly. Rowe’s Find has the potential to provide high-grade feed into our planned processing facility and remains high on our priorities.
“Drilling continues to support our aim to define one million ounces of Resource and have a wholly owned processing facility with at least three years Ore Reserves ahead of it. The latest results will be included in our program of ongoing Resource upgrades and mining studies.”
Rowe’s Find is a high-grade deposit on granted mining leases in an underexplored greenstone belt, located 100km east of Black Cat’s planned processing facility. The current Resource of 148,000t @ 3.5g/t Au for 17,000 oz, was originally defined in 2005 and last drilled in 2012.
Results show that the mineralisation is open and a potential structural repeat/fault offset occurs in the north west.These extensions and targets will be tested in future drilling programme.