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Black Cat Syndicate Limited (ASX:BC8) reports that recent drilling has confirmed the Myhree Southern Offset at the Bulong Gold Project near Kalgoorlie.

The Myhree Southern Offset was initially identified with an intercept of 10m @ 2.77 g/t Au in September and a follow-up drilling programme intersected mineralisation in hole.

Results included: 5m @ 6.71 g/t Au from 163m; 6m @ 4.58 g/t Au from 198m and 4m @ 3.12 g/t Au from 179m; and 2m @ 7.27 g/t Au from 202m.

Black Cat’s Managing Director, Gareth Solly, said the results indicate the continuation of Myhree-style mineralisation and supports an interpretation of the Myhree deposit continuing to the south.

He said the mineralisation remains open to the south and at depth. Extensional drilling will recommence on 26 November 2019. 

Mr Solly said diamond coring for testwork to determine processing power requirements has also commenced at Myhree. 

“Myhree continues to deliver excellent results and will be prioritised before the next Resource upgrade in the March 2020 quarter,” Mr Solly said.

“All holes into the Myhree Southern Offset to date have intersected mineralisation and confirm the interpretation of the geology and the likely fault offset.

“Excitingly, Myhree remains open to the south and at depth with significant potential for Resource growth.

“We are also extremely pleased with the outcomes of recent SAM surveys that have identified numerous high priority targets that will be drilled during 2020. 

“In the meantime, infill drilling and metallurgical drilling is currently progressing to upgrade the current Resource prior to completion of a maiden Ore Reserve as part of the Myhree-Trump Feasibility Study due in the June 2020 quarter.

“Additionally, RC drilling at Trump North as well as Anomaly 38, Woodline and Fenceline in the Greater Woodline area has been completed with results pending.”

Meanwhile, Sub-audio Magnetic (SAM) surveys along the Myhree-Boundary, Trump and Queen Margaret Corridors 2km to the north and 1.5km to the south, have been completed with multiple new targets identified in each Corridor. The Myhree-Boundary Corridor extends the full length of the SAM surveyed area which is now in excess of 5km. 

Drilling of priority targets along the Myhree-Boundary Corridor will continue after completion of the extensional RC drilling at the Myhree Southern Offset. 

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