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Black Cat Syndicate Limited (ASX:BC8) has hit a number of high-grade gold intersections in its ongoing RC drilling activities at the Majestic and Fingals Fortune prospects, both part of the Fingals Gold Project in Western Australia.

The company said results from the first three holes at Imperial/Majestic deposits are encouraging with multiple gold zones in each hole with a number of high-grade intersections including: 6m @ 7.01 g/t Au from 167m; 4m @ 9.11 g/t Au from 178m; 2m @ 15.40 g/t Au from 184m and 6m @ 6.59 g/t Au from 53m

Meanwhile,results from a further 31 holes at Fingals Fortune have successfully extended mineralisation, which remains open in all directions. Results include: 3m @ 8.55 g/t Au from 25m;1m @ 23.20 g/t Au from 33m; 1m @ 25.00 g/t Au from 88m;and 2m @ 7.17 g/t Au from 55m.

Managing Director, Gareth Solly said a JORC Mineral Resource update for Fingals Fortune is expected to be completed in October 2020.

Thick high-grade results from our initial drilling at both Imperial and Majestic have been pleasing,” Mr Solly said.

“RC drilling is ongoing in this area as part of our planned +60,000m drilling program. The results at Fingals Fortune were also encouraging, intersecting new lodes to the south, and will form part of an updated Resource release in October 2020.

Resources at Myhree, Boundary and Trump will also be updated in October 2020.

“We are also pleased to advise that various studies are planned to be released in October 2020 (subject to timing of independent reviews) including: the Myhree Stage 1 and 2 open pit pre- feasibility study and scoping studies for Myhree underground, Trump and Boundary open pits; Imperial/Majestic underground and the Fingals Fortune open pit.

“Furthermore, a milling facility scoping study prepared by Como Engineers Pty Ltd will also be released with the above studies.

“This is all part of the drive to achieve our targets of one million ounces of Resource and a wholly owned milling facility with at least three years feed ahead of it.”

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