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Colin Hay

Brookside Energy (ASX: BRK) says its multi-well Flames-Maroons Development Plan (FMDP) in the core of the southern SCOOP Play in the Anadarko Basin is on target to change its fortunes.

Completion operations for the multi-well FMDP program are underway with mobilisation of completion crew and equipment to the Rocket Well on the Flames Pad. Completions crews and equipment including pumps, storage vessels and all other supporting equipment are on site and spotted on location and 24/7 completion operations have commenced.

The Rocket Well, targeting the Sycamore Formation, will be the first of the four FMDP wells to be completed and will be stimulated with a high intensity fracture stimulation comprised of ~46 separate stages using the plug and perforate method. Once completion operations on the Rocket Well have finished all equipment and crew will be moved to the nearby three-well Sanford Pad.

"I am thrilled to announce the beginning of completion operations at the FMDP to our shareholders and new investors,” Managing Director, David Prentice, said.

“I am incredibly proud of the entire team. The efforts of our operations group in particular, to safely plan and execute a development of this scale, on time and under budget, is a testament to their planning and execution skills, as well as our unwavering focus on efficiency.

“The successful delivery of the next phase of the FDMP—completing these wells and bringing them to sales— will result in unprecedented production and sales growth for the business. This achievement positions us to seamlessly transition into the full field development of our remaining low-risk, high-margin oil and gas reserves in the SWISH AOI.

“This is a pivotal moment in the history of our company."


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