Staff Writer

Calidus Resources Limited (ASX:CAI) has kicked off the maiden drill programme at Pirra Lithium’s Spear Hill discovery located in the Pilbara region of Western Australia.

Pirra Lithium is owned equally by Calidus and Haoma Mining NL.

The initial drill programme will comprise of 38 holes for approximately 3,000m. The programme will test a pegmatite that has yielded assays of 0.66% to 2.34% Li2O3 and a second poorly-exposed pegmatite to the north.

We believe Spear Hill has excellent potential, as indicated by the high-grade lithium rock-chip results identified earlier this year,” Managing Director, Dave Reeves, said.

“The commencement of the maiden drill program so soon after the initial discovery demonstrates the company’s determination to accelerate exploration progress at the project.

“Concurrently we are actively assessing the lithium potential across the wider Spear Hill area and the rest of the tenement package, utilising interpretation of remotely sensed data, field mapping, and rock-chip sampling.

“Exploration to date has only tested a fraction of the large tenement package and rights owned by Pirra Lithium, and we are excited to unlock the full potential of the Pilbara.”

Spear Hill

The Spear Hill area, about 50km SW of Marble Bar, is part of the historic Shaw River tin field which was mined for alluvial tin from 1893–1975.

The lithium-bearing pegmatite being drilled is located about 3km ENE of Spear Hill. The pegmatite outcrops for about 2.5km along strike on a granted Prospecting Licence, P45/2975, and a pending Exploration Licence, E45/5834.

The pegmatite, and a poorly exposed parallel pegmatite body to the north, probably dips shallowly to the NNE.

The drill holes have been designed at -60° toward the SSW to intersect the pegmatite as near to perpendicular as possible. Several holes will be drilled well below the main pegmatite into the footwall and others through the hanging wall to test for the possibility of additional parallel or subparallel pegmatites.

The drilling programme is expected to take about three weeks to complete with samples to be sent to the laboratory immediately after the completion of drilling.

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