Calidus Resources Limited (ASX:CAI) has received exceptional first assays from maiden RC drilling seven km from Calidus’ Blue Spec project within its Warrawoona Project in the Pilbara.

The results come from a batch of high-priority assays from two drill holes from the drilling programme on WA licence E46/10261.
The drilling programme comprises widely spaced scout holes to test about two km strike length of a zone of strong gold-in-soil anomalies extending for more than three km along strike associated with the Blue Spec Fault Zone. Owing to the hilly topography, a small- footprint rig is being used for the maiden programme.
The gold-in-soil anomalies are coincident with a mapped halo of carbonate alteration and an inner envelope of hematite alteration.
Assays of >0.5 g/t Au largely correspond with logged zones of fine disseminated pyrite and thin quartz veins in sandstone.
The width, the grade, and the close proximity to Warrawoona makes this an extremely exciting discovery for Calidus,” Managing Director Dave Reeves said.
“These early results clearly demonstrate that there is excellent upside in the larger area covered by the soil sampling and is a credit to our exploration team who have systematically progressed this greenfields target.
“The results have provided a compelling reason to expand the initial 20-hole RC program to 32 holes while the drill rig is on site.
“Samples from 14 more drill holes are already at the laboratory and we will keep the market updated as we receive more results.”
Exploration Licence E46/1026 is located about 11km ENE of the township of Nullagine, in the east Pilbara region.
The results of a Feasibility Study on the Blue Spec and Gold Spec deposits were released on in late September 2022.
In August 2022, Calidus announced a zone of strong gold-in-soil anomalism defined over >3km strike length within the Blue Spec Fault Zone west of the Blue Spec mine. The main zone of anomalism is coincident with hyperspectral indicators of alteration and a structural corridor. Follow-up field work has confirmed that the main zone of anomalism coincides with an outer envelope of carbonate alteration, an inner envelope of hematite alteration, and quartz-ankerite veins.
The soil samples were analysed by Calidus field personnel for Au using the novel detectORE method developed by Portable PPB within 48 hours of the samples being collected. This has allowed the entire timeframe from sampling to approvals granted to be compressed so that drilling could be carried out before the end of the field season in the Pilbara.
Drilling results
Results received from the first two holes, 22GORC008 and 22GORC009, include the following significant intercepts:
- 6m @ 0.74 g/t Au from 19m in 22GORC009
- 41m @ 2.37 g/t Au from 32m in 22GORC009, including 5m @ 3.4 g/t Au from 37m and 9m @ 3.43 g/t Au from 62m
- 6m @ 0.80 g/t Au from 7m in 22GORC008
- 2m @ 0.64 g/t Au from 17m in 22GORC008
- 7m @ 0.57 g/t Au from 27m in 22GORC008
- 4m @ 0.87 g/t Au from 42m in 22GORC008.
Samples from another 12 drill holes have already arrived at the laboratory. Samples from the remainder of the holes will be dispatched from site by the start of December.