Carnavale Resources (ASX: CAV) is preparing to undertake a programme of diamond drilling targeting nickel sulphide mineralisation at the Grey Dam Nickel Project in Western Australia.

The campaign, which is expected to commence during the September quarter, will test a number of strong conductors identified by a recent fixed loop electro-magnetic (FLEM) geophysical survey.

This initial diamond drilling programme is expected to includes up to eight holes for a total of approximately 1,300m.

The Grey Dam Nickel Project is located in the Kurnalpi region, approximately 80km east of Kalgoorlie and comprises tenements that are wholly owned by the company or subject to option agreements including with Mithril Resources Limited.

The recent FLEM geophysical survey defined four very strong, high-priority conductors (Targets 1 to 4 up to_5000 siemens conductance)_ plus a number of lesser conductors.

The program of works (POW) related to this drilling programme has been approved by the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety. A heritage survey has been completed with no significant sites identified allowing drilling to progress.

To support the Grey Dam Nickel Project, Carnavale has secured the services of exploration consultant, Allan Kneeshaw. Mr Kneeshaw has been part of the successful exploration team at De Grey Mining Limited.

Mr Kneeshaw was commissioned by Carnavale to complete a review of the Grey Dam Nickel Project. The work commenced in October 2019, focussing on the prospectivity for nickel sulphide mineralisation across Carnavale’s two nickel projects, Grey Dam and Mt Alexander.

The exploration review included all the previous drilling, geochemical sampling and geophysical surveys across both project areas. At Grey Dam, the geochemistry review highlighted significant copper and platinum anomalism associated with the high-grade nickel, indicating potential sulphide targets at depth.

This nickel sulphide potential is supported by limited previous, deeper drilling near the Ni-Co laterite resource area, which demonstrated that the ultramafic sequence, that is widespread across the tenement package, is proven to host fresh bedrock, sulphide rich, nickel mineralisation.

Carnavale has also appointed Humphrey Hale as consultant to assist in managing the exploration activities. He is well known to the Carnavale team having worked alongside both Mr Kneeshaw and Mr Beckwith at AngloGold Ashanti (AGA) whilst managing the substantial drill out for the underground feasibility at Sunrise Dam Gold Mine.

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