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Carnavale Resources Limited (ASX: CAV) has discovered additional shallow, high-grade gold mineralisation under cover in the fourth phase of aircore drilling at the Kookynie Gold Project in Western Australia.

Significant intercepts include:

  • 10m @ 5.78g/t from 32m (inc. 6m @ 9.08g/t and 2m @ 1.4g/t) in KOAC398
  • 4m @ 13.28g/t from 24m and 2m @ 1.14g/t from 32m in KOAC487
  • 8m @ 4.98g/t from 44m (inc. 6m @ 6.37g/t) in KOAC488
  • 9m @ 2.88g/t from 54m in KOAC396 (ends in mineralisation)
  • 10m @ 1.14g/t from 48m (inc.4m @ 1.41g/t and 2m @ 2.06g/t) in KOAC485
  • 8m @ 1.26g/t from 58m (inc. 4m @ 1.76g/t) in KOAC 422
  • 2m @ 4.50g/t from 28m in KOAC404
  • 2m @ 2.46g/t from 22m in KOAC489
  • 4m @ 0.95g/t from 38m in KOAC429

The continued exploration success at our Kookynie Gold Project is very exciting, it has opened our eyes to the potential of other exploration targets within the tenement package,” CEO Humphrey Hale said.

“Our recent aircore drilling along the McTavish East mineralised corridor has extended the McTavish East prospect by 150m and discovered a new 200m mineralised zone in the regolith. In addition, we have expanded the strike of the mineralised envelope at McTavish North by 110m.”

The Kookynie Gold Project is located in the central portions of the historic Kookynie mining centre. Carnavale’s strategy is to explore and define sufficient high-grade, high value resources and reserves that can be mined and transported to a processing plant nearby.

CAV recently completed a fourth program of 104 aircore holes for 5,109m of drilling targeting the continuity of the gold anomalism identified by the earlier drilling along the 1.1km untested zone section of the mineralised corridor that hosts the high-grade McTavish East prospect to the Southwest and the Champion South project to the Northeast.

A limited amount of previous aircore drilling had outlined a 0.1g/t gold anomaly hosted within the transported cover along this main structure.

Previous CAV RC drilling at McTavish East identified that the anomalous gold hosted in transported material is directly attributable to primary high-grade gold at depth within bedrock geology. This has been confirmed again along the McTavish East trend with deeper high-grade gold anomalies discovered in the saprock beneath the weak transported anomalies.

This shallow gold anomalism has provided CAV with an additional pathfinder to discover deeper primary high-grade mineralisation at Kookynie.

As part of the recent aircore programme CAV drilled two lines of aircore across the strike extents of the McTavish North prospect. As a result, Carnavale has identified a strongly mineralised zone that strikes for 350m open to the northeast.

The anomalies at McTavish East and McTavish North have been extended and expanded by this recent drilling program.

These new discoveries will be followed up with RC drilling to extend the high-grade mineralisation into the fresh rock Composite samples were taken on 2.0m intervals downhole, finishing with a 1.0m sample at the bottom of hole (BoH) in the freshest material.

All samples were analysed for multi-element geochemistry and the BoH samples were also analysed for trace element geochemistry to help understand the nature of the mineralising fluids interacting with the bedrock geology and alteration.

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