Staff Writer

Carnavale Resources Ltd (ASX:CAV) has received “excellent” results from the third aircore programme following up on previous high-grade gold in the regolith in its exploration activities at the Ora Banda South Gold Project in Western Australia.

The company has completed a programme of 105 aircore holes for 8,885m following up strong gold grades intercepted in previous aircore programmes.

Shallow bedrock gold results confirm a gold bearing system with a strike length of 15km. Significant results from the recent aircore drilling at Ora Banda South include:

  • 4m @ 30.20g/t from 44m in OBAC413
  • 7m @ 5.95g/t from 80m in OBAC379 (ends in mineralisation)
  • 12m @ 0.43g/t from 44m in OBAC406
  • 4m @ 1.22g/t from 88m in OBAC359
  • 11m @ 0.37g/t from 72m in OBAC369
  • 16m @ 0.25g/t from 60m in OBAC395
  • 12m @ 0.33g/t from 40m in OBAC435

➢ Carnage Prospect – 2.1km strike and up to 500m wide and remains open.

➢ Highlander Prospect – 1.1km strike and up to 400m wide also remains open.

Analogous geological setting target to the +2.5Moz @ +4g/t Invincible Gold Mine, discovered by Gold Fields Limited near Kambalda in 2012.

The company recently exercised option to acquire 80% of the Ora Banda South Project.

We are excited about the results from this third aircore programme at Ora Banda as they represent the highest-grade results from the project to date. This drilling has provided better definition to the substantial gold anomalies that cover multiple kilometres of strike along the Carnage Shear. We are keen to target the fresh rock source with an RC drilling programme,” CEO Humphrey Hale

Aircore drilling at the Ora Banda South Gold Project by CAV has identified gold anomalies and structural targets under alluvial cover. CAV’s recent aircore drilling programme confirmed the prospectivity of the Carnage Shear along the 15km long tenement package. The Carnage shear is anomalous in gold, arsenic, bismuth and lead.

Three new gold prospects were identified in CAV’s earlier aircore drilling that contain high-grade gold intercepts. The most recent aircore programme targeted the Carnage Prospect and Highlander Prospect

To date, aircore has been drilled on wide spaced lines, across the new gold prospects with holes drilled on 40m to 80m drill centres. This has successfully discovered three new prospects within the tenement package. The results from the most recent drilling outline and confirm significant gold mineralisation in the regolith geochemistry at Carnage and Highlander.

CAV has gained an improved understanding of the geology and structure as well as the depth of weathering within the regolith profile across the tenement package that has refined the targeting process.

The recent aircore drilling at Ora Banda has reduced the drill spacing within the prospect areas to 180m between the lines providing better resolution of the geochemical footprint of concealed gold mineralisation in the regolith and providing the best intercepts at the project to date. The current aircore programme was designed to find the extents of the mineralisation and define RC drill targets.

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