Caspin Resources Limited (ASX: CPN) has uncovered high-grade copper mineralisation up to 10.6% at the Sienna Prospect from the West Musgrave Ni-Cu Extension at the Mount Squires Project in the West Musgrave region of Western Australia.

The company has recently completed extensive exploration programmes of drilling, soil and rock chip sampling as well as airborne geophysics.
New Sienna Prospect
The Ccmpany reported a significant discovery of surface copper mineralisation along an eight km copper geochemical anomaly in November 2022. This prospect is now known as the Sienna Prospect.
Assays from these samples have returned high-grade copper values up to 10.6% from a small malachite-rich outcrop within a broader area of mafic outcrop covering an area of approximately 2.5 sq. km. Malachite is a copper carbonate mineral commonly formed through the weathering of copper sulphide. A total of four samples were collected from this outcrop, averaging 7.1% Cu. These samples also returned elevated levels of gold (up to 0.1g/t) and silver (up to 6.9g/t).
A separate sample of mafic rock within the prospect also returned 0.12g/t platinum and 0.11g/t palladium. Elevated platinum and palladium are a common mineralisation association with copper deposits in the West Musgrave region, for example the Succoth Deposit (owned by OZ Minerals Limited).
The Sienna Prospect is at the eastern end of a large, eight km long copper-palladium anomaly. The company has also found elevated copper (up to 1,015ppm) in mafic rock chip samples from over seven km along strike from the Sienna Prospect and outside of the current extent of the soil geochemistry sampling.
CEO, Greg Miles, said this is further evidence that the company is in the early stages of defining a significant magmatic sulphide system prospective for copper, and potentially also nickel and PGE’s.
It is fantastic to have confirmation of high-grade copper mineralisation at the newly proclaimed Sienna Prospect,” Mr Miles said.
“But just as important is to see the association of other metals such as platinum and palladium that are commonly associated with magmatic sulphide deposits in the West Musgrave region. More important still, is that we’re also seeing anomalous copper and PGE mineralisation in rock chips on several locations along the strike of a large eight km-long copper and palladium anomaly.
“This gives us confidence that we’ve identified a new mineralised intrusion, or suite of intrusions, with the potential for a discovery or discoveries of significant scale”.