Castillo Copper Limited (AS: CCZ) has received promising assays, conforming shallow Rare Earth Elements (REEs) at its Broken Hill REE discovery in NSW.

Results for RT_001RC (Reefs Tank) and FG_001RC (Fence Gossan) verify the extensive, shallow REE mineralisation discovery across the central part of BHA Project’s East Zone.
Further, the results complement the known REE mineralisation discovered at the Iron Blow Prospect – identified from assaying historical core from drill-hole, DD90_1B3.
New assays confirm the REEs are more widely apparent across the East Zone than initially envisaged.
Results include: 11m @ 1,078 TREO from 8.0m (RT_001RC); 20m @ 609ppm TREO from surface incl. 4.0m @ 1,709ppm REO from 8.0m (FG_001RC); and 11m @ 862ppm TREO from 58m (FG_001RC)
- All four drill-holes at the Tors Tank Prospect returned shallow barium and iron assays, with the best intercepts up to: 13m @ 6,388ppm Ba including 4.0m @ 10,000ppm Ba (TT_001RC) 19m @ 38% Fe from 16m (TT_004RC)
The Board is delighted with the new assays as they show consistent shallow REE mineralisation across a wide part of the BHA Project’s East Zone. Moreover, the interpreted scale of this shallow REE discovery, within a mining friendly district, is an outstanding result which has the potential to create significant value for shareholders,” Chairman Ged Hall said.