Cazaly Resources Limited (ASX: CAZ) has commenced its 2021 season exploration programme at its now 100% owned Halls Creek Copper Project in Western Australia.

The Project is situated near the township of Halls Creek covering part of the Halls Creek Mobile Zone and is highly prospective for a range of commodities and covers approximately 45 square kilometres.
The Project hosts the Mount Angelo Copper-Zincdeposit, an extensive zone of near surface oxidised Cu-Zn mineralisation overlying massive Cu-Zn sulphide mineralisation. Previous results from work conducted by Cazaly at Mount Angelo included; 64m @ 2.72% Cu (1.13% Zn), 62m @ 2.41% Cu (2.75% Zn), 37m @ 2.63% Cu (6.05% Zn), 16m @ 5.91% Cu, 18m @ 2.53% Cu.
The Project also hosts a large lower grade copper deposit associated with a high level felsic intrusive at the Mount Angelo Porphyry prospect, now re-named the Bommie Porphyryprospect. The porphyry system is large with extensive intercepts of disseminated and occasional semi-massive sulphides.
The company previously completed first pass drilling at the prospect, located 2.5km to the south west of the Mt Angelo North deposit, with five reverse circulation (RC) holes. Mineralised intercepts reported included; 170m @ 0.40% Cu, 178m @ 0.30% Cu and 136m @ 0.31% Cu. Some higher grade intercepts within these included 23m @ 1.00% Cu and 7m @ 1.26% Cu, indicating potential for the delineation of higher grade zones in the system.
Since finalising the acquisition, the company has conducted a full review of all previous exploration on the project focussing on the Mount Angelo Cu-Zn deposit, its potential depth and strike extensions and the prospectivity of the nearby Bommie Porphyry prospect.
The company is confident there remains very good upside potential with mapping defining the untested northern extensions of the deposit including mapping out of the important Banded Iron Formation capping unit. Furthermore, previously defined downhole EM conductors have yet to be drill tested whilst several other target areas have been identified based upon geochemistry and structural and stratigraphic associations.
A field crew has been mobilised to initially conduct geochemical soil surveys over several target areas including the strike extensions of the Mount Angelo deposit and over the Bommie Porphyry prospect and other target areas. The company said some doubt exists on the veracity of previous geochemical surveys and lines of check sampling and assaying will also be completed to test the veracity of this historic work.
Other planned work includes a ground magnetometer survey and SQUID_EM lines targeting potential deep conductors within the immediate footprint of the Mount Angelo VMS system. The SQUID_EM survey also aims to test for additional lenses within the mapped sequence of prospective Koongie Park volcanics up to the Grunters prospect.
Initial RC/DDH drilling is planned at the Mt Angelo North Prospect testing the downhole EM conductor target as well as the basal sea floor unit down dip of the known VMS mineralisation. A previous ground-based IP survey also identified a chargeability anomaly to the north-east of known mineralisation which has not been effectively tested to date. The RC/DDH drilling program comprises up to ten holes at the Mt Angelo North Prospect. A drilling rig for the programme has yet to be secured with surety however, the Company expects that drilling will probably commence in June/July whilst the SQUID_EM survey will commence the same time or potentially earlier.
Drilling is also planned for the Bommie Porphyry prospect largely to test a chargeability anomaly present immediately north of modelled mineralisation and at depth where mineralisation is potentially offset along a fault. Evidence of structural controls on the higher grades zones will also be tested. Drilling will also test a possible skarn like target as well as interpreted extensions to the main porphyry body.
Other drilling is planned to commence at the Gruntersprospect targeting a coincident geophysical and geochemical anomaly along strike of the Mount Angelo VMS deposit. A defining feature of the Mount Angelo deposit is the recognition of a BIF unit which acts as a marker horizon within the VMS mineralisation. The unit represents seafloor sedimentation and is typically observed in volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits. This unit is seen in sporadic outcrops along strike for over 1km to the north of the deposit within felsic sediments which host the deposit mineralisation. This area is largely covered by surficial alluvium and has never been drill tested.