Cazaly Resources (ASX: CAZ) has obtained early promise from its Canadian exploration activities at the Sundown Lithium project located in the heart of James Bay’s lithium province in Québec, and the Carb Lake Rare Earth project in the Red Lake district of the well-known mining province of Ontario.

Assay results from a Carb Lake surface float samples have confirmed REE mineralisation, witjh TREO up to 2,482ppm; NdPr up to 25% of TREO and Niobium up to 917ppm.
A campaign of initial rock chip sampling has now been completed across a portion of the Sundown lithium project. Although the weather conditions were logistically challenging for helicopter surveying with access being limited, the team were able to access several pegmatite locations and collected a total of 304 rock chip samples.
All samples have been submitted to the laboratory for analysis of a full multi-element suite with results expected to be received in 8-10 weeks.
The Sundown Lithium Project represents a strategically significant tenement holding positioned between Allkem’s James Bay deposit with a lithium resource of 110.2Mt @ 1.30% Li2Oi, and Patriot Battery Metals Corvette lithium discovery with a lithium resource of 109.2Mt at 1.42% Li2O within a 214 sq. km land package.
Analytical results were received from the first round of field work completed at the Carb Lake carbonatite complex in northwestern Ontario. The work consisted of mapping, prospecting, and traversing the entire span of the +3km carbonatite footprint. The field program was completed in late August over a five-day period, whereby traverses were completed over the carbonatite from southwest to northeast for a total of 102km.
The carbonatite samples show two distinct populations. The majority of carbonatite samples have highly anomalous REE, Sr, and Nb
Cazaly’s Managing Director, Tara French, said the company is extremely encouraged by the work completed to date at Carb Lake. The results indicate the large Carb Lake carbonatite complex is potentially well enriched in rare earth and niobium elements and could host significant resources.
The company is progressing discussions with Sachigo First Nations and is planning its initial drilling programme which will be designed to broadly test the footprint of the entire carbonatite complex.