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Staff Writer

Centrex Metals Limited (ASX: CXM) reports that positive results continue to be received from its current reverse circulation (“RC”) drilling campaign at the Ardmore Phosphate Rock Project in North West Queensland.

Centrex Ardmore

The company said it has received results from another 100 holes from its 319 drill hole program at Ardmore, with a total of 208 holes received to date.

Managing Director and CEO, Ben Hammond, said results continue to show high-grade phosphate rock intersections in the majority of holes.

He said holes that did not intersect high-grade were generally on the margins of the ore body and drilled for the purposes of delineating its edge.

The RC drilling program is being undertaken to complete infill drilling across the deposit to allow for a resource model update, sufficient for mining feasibility studies, as well as to explore further extensions of the deposit.

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“The resource model update is targeted to underpin the publication of the results of a scoping study, currently close to completion for the project. The scoping study is being undertaken in parallel to the more detailed feasibility study due for completion in mid-2018,” Mr Hammond.

The company also reported that bulk metallurgical testwork for the feasibility study is progressing well.

Centrex Metals has developed a 780kg master composite to reflect the predicted as-mined grade of the ore body.

Physical characterisation testwork results for the master composite have been received which show the ore to be very weak and non-abrasive.

This testwork has confirmed the ability to “free-dig” the ore without blasting and shows that the energy required to crush the ore will be low.

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