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Staff Writer

Chalice Mining Limited (ASX: CHN) has reported significant new results from ongoing exploration activities which continue to expand its high-profile Julimar Nickel-Copper- Platinum Group Element (PGE) Project, located ~70km north-east of Perth in Western Australia.

Six rigs (three Reverse Circulation (RC) and three diamond) are continuing the ~160,000m step-out and resource definition drill programme at the ~1.6km x >0.8km Gonneville Intrusion. Reconnaissance soil sampling and Moving Loop EM programmes have commenced concurrently in the Julimar State Forest to the north.

Drilling is continuing to test a range of targets across the Gonneville Intrusion, including:

  • Down-dip (western) extension of the high-grade G1, G2, G4, G5 and G6 zones (diamond and shallow RC drilling);
  • Shallow strike (southern) extensions of the high-grade G1 and G2 zones (diamond drilling);
  • Extensions of the newly defined high-grade G8-G11 zones (RC, diamond drilling); and
  • Infill resource definition drilling on an 80m x 40m grid across the Gonneville intrusion (RC, diamond drilling) – ultimately infill is expected to be on a 40m x 40m grid in order to define resources in the Indicated category.

A total of 40 diamond drill holes (including RC pre-collars with diamond tails) and 167 RC drill holes have been completed to date at the project, of which assay results have now been reported for 28 diamond and 134 RC holes (assay results are pending for a further 45 completed drill holes).

Managing Director, Alex Dorsch, said that within the 64 new drill holes there were 260 mineralised intervals (>4m width and >0.3g/t Pd cut-off grade) and 188 high-grade mineralised intervals (>2m width with >1g/t Pd cut-off grade).

We’ve started the New Year with strong momentum on several fronts, with drilling at our major Julimar discovery continuing to expand the high-grade footprint of the deposit and initial on-ground activities underway to test the exciting new EM targets along strike to the north,” Mr Dorsch said.

“Drilling within the Gonneville deposit continues to deliver outstanding results and once again, we are seeing a diverse range of mineralisation styles, reflecting the sulphide-rich nature of the Gonneville Intrusion.

“We have now defined four new high-grade zones (G8-G11), each returning significant wide and high- grade intersections, which is very promising. Given the shallow nature of these zones, we expect that they may benefit future project economics.

“Meanwhile, drilling into the eastern contact of the intrusion, targeting the G4 and G11 zones, has produced some interesting results, encountering discrete pods of high-grade mineralisation interpreted as being associated with potential lows in the basal contact of the intrusion, where sulphides have deposited within the magma flow.

“Initial activities in the Julimar State Forest have commenced, and we are eagerly anticipating first results from that work over the coming weeks. The initial activities will determine the potential for Julimar to be a multi-deposit, world-class mineral province if our previously identified airborne EM anomalies develop into additional discoveries beyond Gonneville.

“With six rigs drilling and more rigs joining shortly, we are on track to meet our mid-2021 guidance for a maiden Mineral Resource for Gonneville and continue to prioritise the growth of the high-grade mineralised zones with step-out drilling. We have also commenced initial resource and pit-shell modelling, which is guiding our drill pattern.”

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