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Charger Metals’ spodumene-bearing pegmatites have been reaffirmed as containing high-grade lithium at its exciting Medcalf discovery, part of the Lake Johnston Project, near the globally significant Earl Grey deposit in Western Australia’s south.

The pleasing results back up the last group, which confirmed high-grade lithium intersections in 14 of 17 holes, revealing grades up to 4.19 per cent lithium oxide from production-friendly pegmatites with an aggregated thickness of up to 12 metres.

Significant results:

  • 4m @ 2.06% Li2O from 145m (23CRC013)
  • 6m @ 1.56% Li2O from 19m (23CRC006)
  • 5m @ 1.41% Li2O from 83m (23CRC007)
  • 6m @ 1.34% Li2O from 24m (23CRC003)
  • 6m @ 1.06% Li2O from 47m (23CRC002)
  • Charger’s new Managing Director, Aidan Platel, said the intercepts correlate nicely with spodumene-bearing pegmatite intersections.
  • “The swarm of stacked pegmatites remains open down-plunge, and we look forward to modelling the
    results once they are all received in order to plan the next phase of drilling to test for extensions of
    the high-grade lithium mineralisation.”
  • “These exciting results from the first drill programme at the first of many prospective target areas of
    the Lake Johnston Project really highlight the potential for the project to host significant economic
    lithium mineralisation.”
  • Assays for the campaign’s final eight holes are expected in the coming weeks as Charger prepare the follow-up to test for extensions on its high-grade Lake Johnston lithium.
  • Lithium Market Outlook
  • In the global outlook for lithium outside of China, prices are holding up much better, which suggests a different set of drivers, not least continuing short supply.

According to the International Energy Agency, global demand for lithium is expected to increase more than tenfold by 2030. This trend is driven by a shift towards cleaner energy sources and increased adoption of electric vehicles.

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