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Cooper Metals has confirmed a copper-gold rich gossan and anomaly during electromagnetic surveys at Mt Isa East Project in Outback Queensland.

During exploration, rock chips contained high grades of up to 26.7% copper and 2.49g/t.VTEM detected two distinct anomalies with a plate model that slopes towards the east. They are located 25-50m beneath the surface and have promising copper-gold targets in Barbara East.

The company found anomalies in Corella/dolerite contact with quartz, iron oxide, and copper. A VTEM anomaly was also found between Argylla Formation and Wonga Granite in Barbara East Tenement.

Positive outcomes were yielded from Rock chip plate Number 1, with a 300m long modelled conductor sloping east. Anomalous copper and gold were found in this region.

After finishing the VTEM survey in early June, Cooper has completed initial helicopter-supported ground truthing over the Barbara East Tenement area and has identified three VTEM anomalies that exhibit high prospectivity for copper-gold mineralisation, worthy of follow-up and drill testing,” Managing Director Ian Warland said.

“As part of the same reconnaissance trip, discovering the new Raven prospect, with a VTEM response over a copper-gold-rich gossan, is highly encouraging. Cooper continues to build and rank its pipeline of copper-gold targets and is planning to drill test a series of the best targets in the 2023 field season. We will provide more updates as they come to hand.”

New prospects, such as Rocky Rule, S.W., Costeen, and Bowlers, showed promising rock chip results and are being considered for drill testing in 2023.

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