Cooper Metals is taking a high-level exploration approach at its promising Barbara deposit with a week-long helicopter VTEM survey over its Mt Isa East Cu-Au Project in northwest Queensland.

The 725 line-kilometre survey area, co-funded by the Queensland government, will provide a detailed analysis of the Barbara deposit, which is thought to have a VTEM signature demonstrating the method’s usefulness in identifying sulphide-rich copper mineralisation.

Cooper Managing Director Ian Warland sees the survey as providing critical data which will rapidly advance exploration over the new tenement holding three priority areas for copper-gold exploration.

He added that the survey would include two historical VTEM anomalies that may indicate bedrock conductors with copper-gold potential.

“Cooper is excited to commence the VTEM survey over EPM28087, located just to the east of the Barbara deposit, which is thought to have a VTEM signature, demonstrating the usefulness of this method in identifying sulphide-rich copper mineralisation.

“The survey is very detailed at 300m line spacing and will take around one week to complete, with data processing and interpretation a further five weeks.

“I look forward to updating the market with our exploration progress over the coming weeks.”

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