Cyprium Metals Limited (ASX: CYM) has identified a continuation of ~70m to ~115m thick zones of significant copper mineralisation in assay results from a further 16 RC holes (for 4,186m) at the Nifty West project in Western Australia.

The drilling programme is targeting lightly drilled areas up-plunge of the former underground mine in the keel area of the Nifty Syncline below the western end of the Nifty open pit
These assay results continue to confirm the presence of a substantial zone of copper mineralisation, which is up-plunge of the former underground mine,” Managing Director, Barry Cahill, said.
“There are significant widths of mineralisation beneath the existing open pit. We believe this will provide additional tonnes of copper material that can be mined from a future large-scale open pit development at Nifty.
“We are also looking forward to providing further updates on the lodging of government approvals and the results of the Nifty Copper Project Restart Studies in the coming weeks.”
The latest results represent additional holes drilled on existing section lines 101,520E, 101,560E, 101,600E, 101,640E and 101,680E with five holes completed on new section line 101,720E.
Section 101,520E Hole 21NRWP060 drilled to the south of the higher-grade intersections previously reported in November 2021, was abandoned and redrilled by hole 21NRWP061, which returned several zones of anomalous to low-grade copper mineralisation,
Significant results include:
Hole 21NRWP047 – copper mineralisation extends over 69m downhole, including:
- 57m at 1.01% Cu from 224m, including: 5m at 1.38% Cu from 225m, 3m at 1.61% Cu from 232m, 2m at 1.95% Cu from 244m, 2m at 1.86% Cu from 267m, 8m at 2.65% Cu from 270m, including: 2m @ 6.29% Cu from 274m
Hole 21NRWP048 – copper mineralisation extends over 115m downhole, including:
- 19m at 0.66% Cu from 186m, including: 2m at 1.64% Cu from 191m, 1m at 1.28% Cu from 202m, 10m at 0.49% Cu from 218m, 17m at 1.19% Cu from 232m, including: 2m at 1.39% Cu from 234m, 2m at 1.51% Cu from 238m, 2m at 4.03% Cu from 241m, 11m at 0.53% Cu from 271m, including: 2m at 1.08% Cu from 272m.
Assay results are pending for a further 11 holes drilled in the West pit area.
Upon completion of this programme, a resource update is scheduled and is expected to grow the existing inventory of 732,000 tonnes of contained copper reported for Nifty in the November 2021 Mineral Resource estimate.