De Grey Mining Limited (ASX: DEG) has achieved further impressive exploration results from the Eagle zone at the world-class Hemi gold discovery in Western Australia’s Pilbara Region.

General Manager Exploration, Phil Tornatora, said gold mineralisation at Eagle shows similar alteration and sulphide development as seen at the adjacent deposits of Aquila, Brolga, Crow, Falcon and Diucon.
However, like Diucon, Eagle also shows, in parts, a strong structural overprint which can carry high gold grades and occasional visible gold.
Resource extension and definition drilling at Eagle has continued to identify high grade mineralisation associated with quartz-carbonate veining, sericite-albite alteration and visible gold,” Mr Tornatora said.
“A zone of high-grade intercepts at Eagle has now been intersected on several sections over a strike length of around 200m, and a down dip extent of at least 250m. Drilling in progress may expand the extent of high-grade mineralisation.
“Geological studies are continuing, however the high-grade mineralisation may represent a structural overprint on earlier intrusion hosted sulphide mineralisation.
These high-grade zones have the potential to positively impact Eagle pit shell optimisations, mining and processing schedules and significantly adds to the potential for underground mining below proposed pit designs.
“Resource definition drilling at Eagle to increase the resource confidence from JORC Inferred to Indicated is continuing so that the Eagle resource can be included in the prefeasibility (PFS) evaluation. Eagle was not included in the Scoping Study ten year evaluation period.”
The mineralised intrusion at Eagle has now been intersected for 950m along strike, 200m in width and at least 350m in depth and remains open.
Resource definition drilling to a 40m x 40m spacing above approximately 400 vertical metres is currently being prioritised to increase the resource confidence level from JORC Inferred to Indicated in areas of Eagle to be mined by open pit methods.
Resource definition drilling for the PFS will continue into the first quarter of 2022. Resource extension drilling at Eagle and the other zones at Hemi will continue throughout 2022.
New pit shell optimisations to be conducted as part of the PFS are expected to extend the scoping study open pit mine designs.
Extensional drilling in the northwest of Eagle has continued to intersect mineralisation including 31m @ 2.1 g/t Au from 155.0m and 19.0m @ 1.8g/t Au from 192.0m in HMRC229 confirming potential for new lodes approximately 240m north of Eagle.