Colin Hay

Dreadnought Resources (ASX: DRE) has confirmed high-grade Cu-Au, Zn-Ag in multiple, stacked, sub-cropping, gossanous horizons over ~500m of strike in target generation activities around the Mangaroon gold camp in the Gascoyne Region of Western Australia.

“Identifying a potential high-grade VMS system at Tiger comes on the back of a competitive EIS grant and further underscores the potential of our Mangaroon area. Mapping, geochemical sampling and EM surveys are ongoing ahead of our planned 2024 drill programme," Managing Director, Dean Tuck, said.

Tiger is defined by a ~900m x 300m Cu-Au, Zn-Ag and pathfinder-in-soil anomaly generated over multiple soil sampling programmes. It contains some of the strongest Cu-Au, Zn-Ag and pathfinder anomalism defined to date at Mangaroon and has been a priority target for mapping and target definition. Importantly, Tiger has recently been awarded a co-funded drilling grant of up to $150,000 under the Geological Survey of Western Australia’s merit-based Exploration Incentive Scheme (EIS).

Tiger was originally interpreted to be an intrusion-related gold prospect. However, ongoing detailed mapping and sampling has identified significant horizons of sub-cropping gossans extending for ~500m strike. Importantly, soil geochemical anomalism indicates the horizons extend along strike for >500m. The Cu-Au, Zn-Ag gossans appear to have formed after massive sulphides and, given the strong Bi-Cd-In-Mo-Sb-Se-Sn- T e- W pathfinder association, could be related to VMS style mineralisation. VMS deposits form early within a geological province and tend to occur along primary basement structures that can later be reactivated leading to further enrichment through orogenic or intrusion-related mineralisation systems.

Mapping and geochemical sampling at Tiger and surrounding areas is ongoing and planning is underway for EM surveys to define additional targets within the area.

These programmes are underway with results expected in July 2024.


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