Dreadnought Resources Limited (SASX:DRE) has commenced an RC drilling programme at the Tarraji-Yampi Project in the West Kimberley region of Western Australia.

Drilling at Orion will follow up on the previous massive sulphide intersection from KMRC017 (12m @ 1.6% Cu, 31.7 g/t Ag and 0.5g/t Au from 45m) testing along strike, at depth and for shallow supergene mineralisation (17 holes) before proceeding to test the remaining EM plates and three magnetic anomalies (6 holes).
Drilling will then progress to test the Fuso magnetic anomalies (4 holes) and then Grant’s Find along strike and at depth (three holes).
Managing Director, Dean Tuck, said that based on the results of this initial drill programme, additional holes will be drilled to follow up on any mineralisation or DHEM anomalies identified during the programme.
We are embarking on a 30+ hole RC drill programme that will follow up on the significant intercepts at Orion, Fuso, and Grant’s Find,” Mr Tuck said.
“In addition, we will test a further six high quality magnetic/EM anomalies. Orion, Fuso and Grant’s Find are considered to be part of a large mineralised system and this program will provide the framework to determine the scale of the opportunity.”
Orion consists of multiple magnetic and EM anomalies within a thick 4km long Ruins Dolerite and sediment package.
Originally targeted for Ni-Cu-PGE mineralisation within the Ruins Dolerite, a number of anomalies also sit adjacent to significant cross cutting structures which could provide fluid pathways for Proterozoic Cu-Au-Ag mineralisation.
Two RC drill holes for 336m were recently drilled at Orion (see Figure 4), being: EM Plate C (KMRC018); and a magnetic anomaly ~850m north of EM Plate C (KMRC017).
KMRC017 intersected 12m @ 1.6% Cu, 31.7g/t Ag and 0.5g/t Au from 45m from an interval of massive to semi-massive sulphides within the Ruins Dolerite. The massive sulphide is also strongly magnetic, likely due to pyrrhotite, making other magnetic anomalies attractive drill targets.
Given the well- preserved supergene mineralisation seen across the Tarraji-Yampi project, including at Grant’s Find and Rough Triangle, the shallower up dip projections of the massive sulphide zone are high priority follow up drill targets.
The initial results of DHEM and fixed loop EM (“FLEM”) surveys from Orion, indicate that only the edge of a ~400m x ~300m highly conductive (~4,000-5,000S) plate and coincident magnetic anomaly was intersected.
Eleven RC holes have been designed to test the strike extents of the FLEM and DHEM plates associated with the massive sulphide mineralisation. Six of these holes will also test the potential for high-grade supergene mineralisation.
An additional six RC holes will be drilled at EM Plates A and B as well as three additional magnetic anomalies sitting on similar structures as mineralisation intersected in KMRC017.
Drilling should take two to three weeks to complete with rushed assays expected in November 2021. The results of the initial program could lead to additional holes being drilled as part of this programme.